STOP Operation
Stop mode can be achieved by STOP instructions.
In stop mode :
1. Oscillator is stopped, the operating current is low.
2. Watch dog timer is reset, REMOUT output is disable
(High-Z at GMS36XXX(T) , “L” at GMS37XXX(T))
3. Part other than WDT and REMOUT output have a value before
come into stop mode.
* But the state of D0 ~ D9 output in stop mode is able to choose as masked option.
"L" output or same level before come into stop mode.
The Function to release stop mode is able to choose each bit of K or R input as masked option.
Stop mode is released when one of K or R input is going to "L".
1. State of D0 ~ D9 output and REMOUT output is return to state of before stop mode is
2. After 210 {System clock time} for stable oscillating, first instruction start to operate.
3. In return to normal operation, WDT is counted from zero again.
But, at executing stop instruction, if one of K or R input is chosen to "L", stop instruction
is same to NOP instruction.