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FT240XS-R 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FT240XS-R
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内容描述: [USB 8-BIT FIFO IC]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 754 K
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FT240X USB 8-BIT FIFO IC Datasheet  
Version 1.3  
Document No.: FT_000626 Clearance No.: FTDI# 259  
8.3 Memory Map  
The FT-X family MTP memory has various areas which come under three main categories:  
User Memory Area  
Configuration Memory Area (writable)  
Configuration Memory Area (non-writable)  
Memory Area Description  
Word Address  
0x3FF - 0x80  
User Memory Area 2  
Accessible via USB  
Configuration Memory Area  
Accessible via USB  
0x7E - 0x50  
0x4E - 0x40  
0x3E - 0x12  
0x10 - 0x00  
Configuration Memory Area  
Cannot be written  
User Memory Area 1  
Accessible via USB  
Configuration Memory Area  
Accessible via USB  
Figure 8.1: Simplified memory map for the FT-X  
User Memory Area  
The User Memory Areas are highlighted in Green on the memory map. They can be read and written via  
USB on the FT240X. All locations within this range are freely programmable; no areas have special  
functions and there is no checksum for the user area.  
Note that the application should take into account the specification for the number of write cycles in  
Section 5.4 if it will be writing to the MTP memory multiple times.  
Configuration Memory Area (writable)  
This area stores the configuration data for the device, including the data which is returned to the host in  
the configuration descriptors (e.g. the VID, PID and string descriptions) and also values which set the  
hardware configuration (the signal assigned to each CBUS pin for example).  
These values can have a significant effect on the behaviour of the device. Steps must be taken to ensure  
that these locations are not written to un-intentionally by an application which is intended to access only  
the user area.  
This area is included in a checksum which covers configuration areas of the memory, and so changing  
any value can also cause this checksum to fail.  
Configuration Memory Area (non-writable)  
This is a reserved area and the application should not write to this area of memory. Any attempt to write  
these locations will fail.  
Copyright © 2013 Future Technology Devices International Limited  