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ES29DL320FB-90TGI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ES29DL320FB-90TGI
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内容描述: 16兆( 2M ×8 / 1M ×16 )的CMOS 3.0伏只,引导扇区闪存 [16Mbit(2M x 8/1M x 16) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Boot Sector Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 53 页 / 700 K
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E S I  
E S I  
Excel Semiconductor inc.  
the device immediately terminates any operation in  
progress, tristates all output pins, and ignores all  
read/write commands for the duration of the  
RESET# pulse The device also resets the internal  
state machine to reading array data. The operation  
that was interrupted should be reinitiated once after  
the device is ready to accept another command  
sequence, to ensure data integrity.  
Sector protection can be implemented via two  
In-system protection  
A9 High-voltage protection  
To check whether the sector protection was suc-  
cessfully executed or not, another operation called  
protect verification” needs to be performed after  
the protection operation on a sector. All protection  
and protect verifications provided in the device are  
summarized in detail at the Table 1.  
CMOS Standby during Device Reset  
Current is reduced for the duration of the RESET#  
pulse. When RESET# is held at Vss  
device draws the greatly reduced CMOS standby  
current ( I ). If RESET# is held at V but not  
+ 0.3V, the  
In-System Protection  
within Vss+0.3V, the standby current will be greater.  
“In-system protection”, the primary method,  
requires V (11.5V~12.5V) on the RESET# with  
RY/BY# and Terminating Operations  
A6=0, A1=1, and A0=0. This method can be imple-  
mented either in-system or via programming equip-  
ment. This method uses standard microprocessor  
bus cycle timing. Refer to Fig. 26 for timing diagram  
and Fig. 2 for the protection algorithm.  
If RESET# is asserted during a program or erase  
operation, the RY/BY# pin remains a “0” (busy) until  
the internal reset operation is completed, which  
requires a time of t  
(during Embedded Algo-  
rithms). The system can thus monitor RY/BY# to  
determine whether the reset operation is completed.  
If RESET# is asserted when a program or erase  
operation is not executing (RY/BY# pin is “1”), the  
A9 High-Voltage Protection  
“High-voltage protection”, the alternate method  
intended only for programming equipment, must  
reset operation is completed within a time of t  
force V (11.5~12.5V) on address pin A9 and con-  
(not during Embedded Algorithms). The system can  
trol pin OE# with A6=0, A1=1 and A0=0. Refer to  
Fig. 28 for timing diagram and Fig. 4 for the protec-  
tion algorithm.  
read data after the RESET# pin returns to V , which  
requires a time of t  
RESET# tied to the System Reset  
The previously protected sectors must be unpro-  
tected before modifying any data in the sectors.  
The sector unprotection algorithm unprotects all  
sectors in parallel. All unprotected sectors must first  
be protected prior to the first sector unprotection  
write cycle to avoid any over-erase due to the intrin-  
sic erase characteristics of the protection cell. After  
the unprotection operation, all previously protected  
sectors will need to be individually re-protected.  
Standard microprocessor bus cycle timings are  
used in the unprotection and unprotect verification  
operations. Three unprotect methods are provided  
in the ES29LV160 device. All unprotection and  
unprotect verification cycles are summarized in  
detail at the Table 1.  
The RESET# pin may be tied to the system reset cir-  
cuitry. A system reset would thus also reset the  
Flash memory, enabling the system to read the boot-  
up firmware from the Flash memory.Refer to the AC  
Characteristics tables for RESET# parameters and  
to Fig. 17 for the timing diagram.  
The ES29LV160 features hardware sector protec-  
tion. In the device, sector protection is performed on  
the sector previously defined in the Table 3-4. Once  
after a sector is protected, any program or erase  
operation is not allowed in the protected sector. The  
previously protected sectors must be unprotected by  
one of the unprotect methods provided here before  
changing data in those sectors.  
In-system unprotection  
A9 High-voltage unprotection  
Temporary sector unprotection  
Rev. 0B January 5 , 2006  