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EUP8202-42JIR1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EUP8202-42JIR1
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内容描述: 开关模式锂离子/聚合物电池充电器 [Switch Mode Li-Ion/Polymer Battery Charger]
分类和应用: 电池开关
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 553 K
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pin changes to a high impedance state and the 390k  
resistor will then pull the pin high to indicate charging  
has stopped.  
CHRG Status Output Pin  
When a charge cycle starts, the  
pin is pulled to  
ground by an internal N-channel MOSFET which is  
capable of driving an LED. When the charge current  
drops below the End-of-Charge threshold for more than  
120µs, the N-channel MOSFET turns off and a weak  
25µA current source to ground is connected to the  
Gate Drive  
The EUP8202gate driver can provide high transient  
currents to drive the external pass transistor. The rise and  
fall times are typically 20ns and 50ns respectively when  
driving a 2000pF load, which is typical for a P-channel  
MOSFET with RDS(ON) in the range of 50m.  
A voltage clamp is added to limit the gate drive to 8V  
below VCC. For example, if VCC is 10V then the GATE  
output will pull down to 2V max. This allows low  
voltage P-channel MOSFETs with superior RDS(ON) to be  
used as the pass transistor thus increasing efficiency.  
pin. This weak 25µA pull-down remains until  
the timer ends the charge cycle, or the charger is in  
manual shutdown or sleep mode.  
Status Pin Summary  
Trickle Charge in Process  
Constant Current Charge in Process  
Constant Voltage Charge in Process  
Strong On  
Strong On  
Strong On  
Strong On  
(remains the  
Weak On  
Weak On  
Both the current loop and the voltage loop share a  
common, high impedance, compensation node (COMP  
pin). A series capacitor and resistor on this pin  
compensates both loops. The resistor is included to  
provide a zero in the loop response and boost the phase  
margin. The compensation capacitor also provides a  
soft-start function for the charger. Upon start-up, then  
ramp at a rate set by the internal 100µA pullup current  
source and the external capacitor. Battery charge current  
starts ramping up when the COMP pin voltage reaches  
0.85V and full current is achieved with the COMP pin at  
1.3V. With a 2.2µF capacitor, time to reach full charge  
current is about 10ms. Capacitance can be increased if a  
longer start-up time is needed.  
Charge Suspend (Temperature)  
Timer Fault  
Sleep / Shutdown  
End of Charge  
Battery Disconnected  
After a time out occurs (charge cycle ends), the pin will  
become high impedance. By using two different value  
resistors, a microprocessor can detect three states from  
this pin (charging, end-of-charge and charging stopped)  
see Figure 6.  
Automatic Battery Recharge  
After the 3 hour charge cycle is completed and both the  
battery and the input power supply (wall adapter) are still  
connected, a new charge cycle will begin if the battery  
voltage drops below 4.05V per cell due to self-discharge  
or external loading. This will keep the battery capacity at  
more than 80% at all times without manually restarting  
the charge cycle.  
Battery Temperature Detection  
A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor  
located close to the battery pack can be used to monitor  
battery temperature and will not allow charging unless  
the battery temperature is within an acceptable range.  
Connect a 10kthermistor from the NTC pin to ground.  
If the temperature rises to 50°C, the resistance of the  
NTC will be approximately 4.2k. With the 85µA  
pull-up current source, the Hot temperature voltage  
threshold is 360mV. For Cold temperature, the voltage  
threshold is set at 2.4V which is equal to 0°C (RNTC  
28k) with 85µA of pull-up current. If the temperature is  
outside the window, the GATE pin will be pulled up to  
VCC and the timer frozen while the output status at the  
Figure 6. Microprocessor Interface  
To detect the charge mode, force the digital output pin,  
OUT, high and measure the voltage at the  
The N-channel MOSFET will pull the pin low even with  
a 2k pull-up resistor. Once the charge current drops  
below the End-of-Charge threshold, the N-channel  
MOSFET is turned off and a 25µA current source is  
connected to the  
pin. The IN pin will then be  
pulled high by the 2k resistor connected to OUT. Now  
force the OUT pin into a high impedance state, the  
current source will pull the pin low through the 390k  
pin remains the same. The charge cycle begins  
resistor. When the internal timer has expired, the  
or resumes once the temperature is within the acceptable  
DS8202 Ver 1.1 Nov.2007  