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M12L2561616A-6BIG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M12L2561616A-6BIG
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 4M ×16位×4银行同步DRAM [4M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路动态存储器
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 921 K
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Operation Temperature Condition -40~85°C  
10. Clock Suspend Exit & Power Down Exit  
1 ) C l o c k S u s p e n d ( = Ac t i v e P o w e r D o w n ) E x i t  
2 ) P o w e r D o w n ( = P r e c h a r g e P o w e r D o w n )  
CK E  
CK E  
tS S  
tS S  
Inter nal  
* N o t e 1  
* N o t e 2  
C M D  
R D  
C M D  
A C T  
NO P  
11. Auto Refresh & Self Refresh  
* N o t e 3  
1 ) A u t o R e f r e s h  
S e l f R e f r e s h  
C L K  
* N o t e 4  
* N o t e 5  
CM D  
P R E  
A R  
CM D  
C K E  
R P  
R F C  
* N o t e 6  
2 ) S e l f R e f r e s h  
C L K  
* N o t e 4  
CM D  
S R  
P R E  
C M D  
C K E  
R P  
R F C  
*Note : 1. Active power down : one or more banks active state.  
2. Precharge power down : all banks precharge state.  
3. The auto refresh is the same as CBR refresh of conventional DRAM.  
No precharge commands are required after auto refresh command.  
During tRFC from auto refresh command, any other command can not be accepted.  
4. Before executing auto/self refresh command, all banks must be idle state.  
5. MRS, Bank Active, Auto/Self Refresh, Power Down Mode Entry.  
6. During self refresh entry, refresh interval and refresh operation are performed internally.  
After self refresh entry, self refresh mode is kept while CKE is low.  
During self refresh entry, all inputs expect CKE will be don’t cared, and outputs will be in Hi-Z state.  
For the time interval of tRFC from self refresh exit command, any other command can not be accepted.  
Before/After self refresh mode, burst auto refresh (8192 cycles) is recommended.  
Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc.  
Publication Date: May 2008  
Revision: 1.2 22/45  