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PBL38640-2 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PBL38640-2
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内容描述: 用户线接口电路 [Subscriber Line Interface Circuit]
文件页数/大小: 16 页 / 140 K
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PBL 386 40/2  
trip detection network. This network is  
applicable, when the ring voltage super-  
imposed on VB and is injected on the ring  
lead of the two-wire port. The dc voltage  
across sense resistor RRT is monitored by  
the ring trip comparator input DT and DR  
via the network R1, R2, R3, R4, C1 and C2.  
With the line on-hook (no dc current) DT  
is more positive than DR and the DET  
output will report logic level high, i.e. the  
detector is not tripped. When the line  
goes off-hook, while ringing, a dc current  
will flow through the loop including sense  
resistor RRT and will cause input DT to  
become more negative than input DR.  
This changes output DET to logic level  
low, i.e. tripped detector condition. The  
system controller (or line card processor)  
responds by de-energizing the ring relay,  
i.e. ring trip.  
PBL386 40/2  
+1.25 V  
Figure 14. CODEC receive interface.  
Ringing State  
Active Polarity Reversal State  
The ring relay driver and the ring trip  
detector are activated and the ring trip  
detector is indicating off hook with a logic terminal closest to ground and sources  
low level at the detector output.  
The SLIC is in the active normal state.  
TIPX and RINGX polarity is reversed  
from the Active State: RINGX is the  
loop current while TIPX is the more  
negative terminal and sinks current. Vf  
signal transmission is normal. The loop  
current or the ground key detector is  
activated. The loop current detector is  
indicating off hook with a logic low level  
and the ground key detector is indicating  
active ground key with a logic high level  
present at the detector output.  
Complete filtering of the 20 Hz ac  
component at terminal DT and DR is not  
necessary. A toggling DET output can be  
examined by a software routine to deter-  
mine the duty cycle. When the DET  
output is at logic level low for more than  
half the time, off-hook condition is  
Active States  
TIPX is the terminal closest to ground  
and sources loop current while RINGX is  
the more negative terminal and sinks  
loop current. Vf signal transmission is  
normal. The loop current or the ground  
key detector is activated. The loop  
current detector is indicating off hook  
with a logic low level and the ground key  
detector is indicating active ground key  
with a logic high level present at the  
detector output.  
In PBL 386 40/2 a line voltage meas-  
urement feature is available in the active  
state, which may be used for line length  
estimations or for line test purposes. The  
line voltage is presented on the detector  
output as a pulse at logic high level with  
a pulsewidth of 5.5 µs/V. To start the line  
voltage measurement this mode has to  
be entered from the Active State with the  
loop or ground key detector active. The  
pulse presented at the DET output  
proportional to the line voltage starts  
when entering the line voltage measuring  
Relay driver  
Overvoltage Protection  
The PBL 386 40/2 SLIC incorporates a  
ring relay driver designed as open  
collector (npn) with a current sinking  
capability of 50 mA. The drive transistor  
emitter is connected to BGND. The relay  
driver has an internal zener diode clamp  
for inductive kick-back voltages.  
Care must be taken when using the relay  
driver together with relays that have high  
The PBL 386 40/2 SLIC must be pro-  
tected against overvoltages on the  
telephone line caused by lightning, ac  
power contact and induction. Refer to  
Maximum Ratings, TIPX and RINGX  
terminals, for maximum allowable  
continuous and transient ratings that  
may be applied to the SLIC.  
Secondary Protection  
The circuit shown in figure 12 utilizes  
series resistors together with a program-  
mable overvoltage protector  
Control Inputs  
The PBL 386 40/2 SLIC have three  
digital control inputs, C1, C2 and C3.  
A decoder in the SLIC interprets the  
control input condition and sets up the  
commanded operating state.  
(e.g. PowerInnovations TISPPBL2),  
serving as a secondary protection.  
The TISP PBL2 is a dual forward-  
conducting buffered p-gate overvoltage  
protector. The protector gate references  
the protection (clamping) voltage to  
negative supply voltage (i e the battery  
voltage, VB ). As the protection voltage  
will track the negative supply voltage the  
overvoltage stress on the SLIC is  
C1 to C3 are internal pull-up inputs.  
Tip Open State  
Open Circuit State  
Tip Open State is used for ground start  
In the Open Circuit State the TIPX and  
RINGX line drive amplifiers as well as  
other circuit blocks are powered down.  
This causes the SLIC to present a high  
impedance to the line. Power dissipation  
is at a minimum and no detectors are  
In this state the SLICs present a high  
impedance to the line on the TIPX pin  
and the programmed dc characteristic,  
with the longitudinal current compensa-  
tion (see section Longitudinal Imped-  
ance) not active, to the line on the  
RINGX pin.  
Positive overvoltages are clamped to  
ground by a diode. Negative overvolt-  
ages are initially clamped close to the  
SLIC negative supply rail voltage and the  
The loop current detector is active.  