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PBL3764/6QNT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PBL3764/6QNT
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内容描述: [SLIC, 2-4 Conversion, Bipolar, PQCC28, PLASTIC, LCC-28]
分类和应用: 电池电信电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 146 K
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PBL 3764A/4, /6  
it is possible to increase the maximum  
loop resistance at minimum allowable  
loop current by reducing the voltage  
margin VMargin = |VBat | - VTRMax from the 8V  
suggested above. Doing so will, however,  
reduce the overload level from 3.1 VPeak  
as shown in figure 18. Figure 19 shows  
the typical maximum loop resistance at  
18mA as a function of the voltage margin  
for several values of programmed  
Temperature Guard  
CDC = T (  
), where T = 30ms  
A ring to ground short circuit fault  
condition as well as other improper  
operating conditions may cause  
Note that RDC1 = RDC2 yields minimum  
CDC value.  
excessive SLIC power dissipation. If  
junction temperature increases beyond  
150°C, the temperature guard will trigger,  
causing the SLIC to be set to a high-  
impedance state. In this high-impedance  
state, power dissipation is reduced and  
the junction temperature will return to a  
safe value. Once below 150°C, the SLIC  
is returned back to its normal operating  
mode and will remain in that state,  
assuming the fault condition has been  
removed. As long as the temperature  
guard is triggered, the loop current  
detector will stay in active state.  
Case 2: SLIC in the Active State  
VTR > VSGRef  
In the active state C1 = 0 and C2 = 1. The  
saturation guard reference voltage is user  
programmable according to:  
constant-current feed and VBat = -48 V.  
4.9 105  
(17300) + RSG  
VSGRef = 12.9.+  
Case 3: SLIC in the Stand-by State.  
In the stand-by state C1 = 1 and C2 = 1.  
With the SLIC operating in the stand-by,  
power saving, state the tip and ring drive  
amplifiers are disconnected and a  
resistive battery feed is engaged. The  
loop current can be calculated from:  
= saturation guard reference  
programming resistor in .  
VSGRef = saturation guard reference  
voltage in volts.  
PBL 3764A/4 Long Loop vf  
Once the dc metallic voltage, VTR,  
exceeds the saturation guard reference  
voltage, VSGRef the saturation guard  
becomes active and the following  
expression describes the battery feed  
VBat - 3 V  
RL + 1800 Ω  
To ensure that the maximum vf signal  
intended to be received/transmitted by the  
SLIC will not experience limiting in the  
TIPX (pin 27) /RINGX (pin 28) drive  
amplifiers at long loops, the saturation  
guard must be correctly progammed. The  
section, Battery Feed, Case 2describes  
how to calculate a value for the saturation  
guard programming resistor RSG.  
ILdc = loop current  
RL = loop resistance  
VBat = battery supply voltage  
16.7 + 4.9 105 /(RSG+ 17300)  
RL + (RDC1 + RDC2) / 653  
VTR = RL •  
PBL 3764A/4 Power Dissipation  
where RSG, RL and VTR have the same  
meaning as described above.  
At open loop, i.e. RL → ∞, the saturation  
guard limits the tip-ring voltage to:  
The short circuit SLIC power dissipation  
PShTot is  
Loop Monitoring Functions  
The loop current, ground key and ring trip  
detectors report their status through a  
common output, DET (pin 11). The  
detector to be connected to DET is  
selected via the four bit wide control  
interface C1, C2, E0, E1. Please refer to  
section Control Inputs for a description of  
the control interface.  
PShTot = ILSh ( VBat - ILSh 2RF) + P3  
VTR = 16.7 + (4.9 105) / (RSG + 17300)  
Figures 14 through 17 illustrate the  
PBL 3764A/4 loop feed with VBat = -48V  
and VBat = -24V.  
For applications where the tip-to-ring  
DC voltage, VTR, approaches the VBat  
value. RSG should be adjusted as follows:  
As a general guideline, adjust RSG in the  
VTR expression above to yield  
VBat is the battery voltage connected to  
the SLIC at pin 10,  
RF is the line resistance, 40 Ω  
RDC1 +RDC2  
P3 is on-hook, active state power  
dissipation (typ. 200 mW @ VBat = -48 V).  
Note that a short circuited loop is not a  
normal operating condition. The  
terminating equipment will add some dc  
resistance (200 to 300 ) even if the  
wire resistance is near 0 .  
Loop Current Detector  
TRMax |VBat | - 8V at maximum loop  
The loop current value at which the loop  
current detector changes state is  
programmable by selecting the value of  
resistor RD. RD connects between pins RD  
(22) and VEE (18). Figure 21 shows a  
block diagram of the loop current  
detector. The two-wire interface produces  
a current flowing out of pin RD (22):  
IRD = ILTIPX - ILRINGX /600 = IL/300  
where ILTIPX and ILRINGX are currents flowing  
into the TIPX and RINGX terminals and IL  
is the loop current. The voltage generated  
by IRD across the programming resistor RD  
is compared to an internal reference by a  
comparator with hysteresis. The hyste-  
resis causes the on-hook to off-hook loop  
current detect threshold, ILThOff, to be  
slightly larger than the off-hook to on-hook  
detector threshold, ILThOn. A logic low  
resistance. Maintaining VTR below this  
limit ensures vf signal transmission  
through the SLIC without clipping.  
RSG can be calculated from:  
Figure 20 compares line feed power  
dissipation as a function of loop  
resistance for three cases: feed resistor  
dissipation for a conventional 2 400 Ω  
resistive feed, PBL 3764A/4 with 30 mA  
constant current feed and VBat =-48 V and  
PBL 3764A/4 with 30 mA constant current  
feed and VBat = -28 V. The diagram  
illustrates the significant PBL 3764A/4  
power saving compared to the  
Margin = 8V to allow a maximum overload  
level, VTRO, of 3.1V.  
If transmission is required at open loop,  
i.e., RL → ∞, the above expression  
simplifies to:  
4.9 105  
|VBat | - VMargin - 16.7V  
2400 feed.  
In applications where the longest  
possible two-wire loop length is important,  