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EM6152V53PS16B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM6152V53PS16B
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内容描述: 5V汽车调节器,窗口看门狗 [5V Automotive Regulator with Windowed Watchdog]
分类和应用: 调节器
文件页数/大小: 12 页 / 532 K
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Functional Description  
VIN Monitoring  
good load regulation a 22 μF capacitor (or greater) is  
needed on the INPUT (see Fig. 8). Tantalum or aluminium  
electrolytic are adequate for the 22 μF capacitor; film types  
will work but are relatively expensive. Many aluminium  
electrolytic have electrolytes that freeze at about –30°C, so  
tantalums are recommended for operation below –25°C.  
The important parameters of the 22 μF capacitor are an  
effective series resistance of lower than 3 Ω and a resonant  
frequency above 500 kHz.  
The power-on reset and the power-down reset are  
generated as a response to the external voltage level  
applied on the VIN input. The threshold voltage at which  
reset is asserted or released (VRESET) is determined by the  
external voltage divider between VDD and VSS, as shown on  
Fig. 8. A part of VDD is compared to the internal voltage  
reference. To determine the values of the divider, the  
leakage current at VIN must be taken into account as well as  
the current consumption of the divider itself. Low resistor  
values will need more current, but high resistor values will  
make the reset threshold less accurate at high temperature,  
due to a possible leakage current at the VIN input. The sum  
of the two resistors (R1 + R2) should stay below 500 kΩ. The  
formula is:  
A 22 μF capacitor (or greater) and a 100 nF capacitor are  
required on the OUTPUT to prevent oscillations due to  
instability. The specification of the 22 μF capacitor is as per  
the 22 μF capacitor on the INPUT (see previous paragraph).  
The EM6152 will remain stable and in regulation with no  
external load and the dropout voltage is typically constant as  
the input voltage fall below its minimum level (see Table 2).  
These features are especially important in CMOS RAM  
keep-alive applications.  
VRESET = VREF x (1 + R1/R2).  
Example: choosing R1 = 200 kΩ and R2 = 100 kΩ gives  
VRESET =4.56 V (typical) for version V50 and V53.  
At power-up the reset output (RES ) is held low (see Fig. 5).  
Power Dissipation  
When VIN becomes greater than VREF, the RES output is  
held low for an additional power-on-reset (POR) delay TPOR  
(defined with the external resistor connected at ROSC pin).  
Care must be taken not to exceed the maximum junction  
temperature (+125°C). The power dissipation within the  
EM6152 is given by the formula:  
The TPOR delay prevents repeated toggling of RES even if  
VDD voltage drops out and recovers. The TPOR delay allows  
the microprocessor’s crystal oscillator time to start and  
stabilize and ensures correct recognition of the reset signal  
to the microprocessor.  
The maximum continuous power dissipation at a given  
temperature can be calculated using the formula:  
PMAX = ( 125°C – TA) / Rth(j-a)  
The RES output goes active low generating the power-  
down reset whenever VIN falls below VREF. The sensitivity or  
reaction time of the internal comparator to the voltage level  
on VIN is typically 3 μs.  
where Rth(j-a) is the thermal resistance from the junction to  
the ambient and is specified in Table 2. Note that Rth(j-a)  
given in Table 2 assumes that the package is soldered to a  
PCB (see figure 16). The above formula for maximum power  
dissipation assumes a constant load (i.e. >100 s). The  
transient thermal resistance for a single pulse is much lower  
than the continuous value.  
Timer Programming  
The on-chip oscillator allows the user to adjust the power-on  
reset (POR) delay TPOR and the watchdog time TWD by  
changing the resistor value of the external resistor ROSC  
connected between the pin ROSC and VSS (see Fig. 8). The  
closed and open window times (TCW and TOW) as well as the  
watchdog reset pulse width (TWDR), which are TTCL  
dependent, will vary accordingly. The watchdog time TWD  
can be obtained with figures 9 to 12 or with the Excel  
application EM6151ResCalc.xls available on EM website.  
TPOR is equal to TWD with the minimum and maximum  
tolerances increased by 1% (For Version 53, TPOR is one  
fourth of TWD).  
CAN-Bus Sleep Mode Detector (version 55)  
When the microcontroller goes into a standby mode, it  
implies that it does not send any pulses on the TCL input of  
the EM6152. After three reset pulse periods (TCW + TOW  
TWDR) on the RES output, the circuit switches on an internal  
resistor of 1 MΩ, and it will have a reset pulse of typically 3  
ms every 1 second on the RES output. When a TCL edge  
(rising or falling) appears on the TCL input or the power  
supply goes down and up, the circuit switches to the ROSC  
Note that the current consumption increases as the  
frequency increases.  
Watchdog Timeout Period Description  
The watchdog timeout period is divided into two periods, a  
closed window period (TCW) and an open window period  
Voltage Regulator  
(TOW), see Fig. 4. If no pulse is applied on the TCL input  
during the open window period TOW, the RES output goes  
The EM6152 has a 5 V, 400 mA, low dropout voltage  
regulator. The low supply current makes the EM6152  
particularly suitable for automotive systems which remain  
continuously powered. The input voltage range is 2.3 V to  
40 V for operation and the input protection includes both  
reverse battery (42 V below ground) and load dump  
(positive transients up to 45 V). There is no reverse current  
flow from the OUTPUT to the INPUT when the INPUT  
equals VSS. This feature is important for systems which  
need to implement (with capacitance) a minimum power  
supply hold-up time in the event of power failure. To achieve  
low for a time TWDR. When a pulse is applied on the TCL  
input, the cycle is restarted with a close window period.  
For example if TWD = TPOR = 100ms, TCW = 80 ms, TOW  
40ms and TWDR = 2.5ms.  
When VIN recovers after a drop below VREF, the pad RES is  
set low for the time TPOR during which any TCL activation is  
Copyright © 2006, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  
rev. B / 06.06  