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EM4223V6SP3B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM4223V6SP3B
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内容描述: 只读超高频射频识别设备 [Read-only UHF Radio Frequency Identification Device]
分类和应用: 射频
文件页数/大小: 29 页 / 426 K
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Data decoding  
The binary data ‘0’ and ‘1’ are extracted from the  
incoming data stream by comparing the inter-pulse  
interval with a pivot point. The pivot point has a value of  
1.5Tari and is derived from the 3Tari interval contained in  
the 2nd part of the SOF symbol. If the interval is less than  
the pivot, then the binary value is ‘0’ and if it is greater  
than the pivot then the binary value is ‘1’.  
If the Transponder detects an invalid code it discards the  
frame and waits for an unmodulated carrier of EOF  
duration. No Error Messages are sent to the Reader.  
Bits and byte ordering  
Coding of data into symbols is MSB first. The coding for  
the 8 bits of hex byte 'B1' is shown in Fig. 12.  
Fig. 12 - Example of PIE byte encoding for 'B1'  
Reader to Transponder 5 bit CRC (CRC-5)  
The CRC-5 is used only for commands from the Reader  
to the Transponder. All commands have a CRC-5 as the  
last 5 bits of the first 16 bit part of an Extended command  
or as the last 5 bits of a Short Command. The CRC-5 is  
calculated on all the command bits after the SOF up to  
the end of the Extended Parameters (11 bits in total –  
see Fig. 3).  
Reply to the Reader and during the 2 Transponder bit  
periods following a Reply transmission.  
In the case of the Next_Slot command the command is  
interpreted by the Transponder in one of two ways.  
If a Next_Slot command is received such that the  
first pulse of the command is received during the  
active command window of the Transponder, which  
follows a transmission by the Transponder and this  
Next_Slot command contains a signature parameter  
that matches that sent by the Transponder in its last  
transmission, then the command will be interpreted  
as an instruction for that Transponder to move to the  
quiet state  
The polynomial used to calculate the CRC-5 is x^5 + x^3  
+1. The CRC-5 register is pre-loaded with '01001' (MSB  
(C4) to LSB (C0)) prior to commencing a CRC-5  
calculation in both the case of a Reader to Transponder  
command transmission and the case of a Transponder  
initializing its CRC-5 register prior to receiving  
command from the Reader.  
Fig. 13 and below show the timing of the  
Transponder command window.  
The 5 bits of the CRC-5 embedded in the command are  
received MSB first by the Transponder. The Transponder  
will clock the first 16 bits of an Extended command or a  
complete Short Command through its CRC-5 register as  
it is receiving the command from the Reader and if these  
16 bits were received without error, the Transponder’s  
CRC-5 register will contain all zeros after the last bit has  
been clocked through.  
If a Next_Slot command is received at any time  
other than coincident with an active command  
window (opened by the Transponder following a  
transmission) or if the Transponder had not  
transmitted a Reply immediately prior to receiving  
the NEXT_SLOT command or if the Next_Slot  
command does not contain a signature parameter  
that matches that sent by the Transponder in its last  
transmission then the command is interpreted as an  
instruction to step the current slot counter value in  
Command Decoder  
The Transponder can receive commands from a Reader  
at any time other than the time that it is transmitting a  
ISO mode or as  
command to exit the  
ROUND_STANDBY state in either ISO or FST  
Copyright © 2005, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  