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EM4169B6WW7 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM4169B6WW7
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内容描述: 128位读/写非接触式识别装置与OTP功能 [128 bit Read/Write Contactless Identification Device with OTP function]
分类和应用: 装置
文件页数/大小: 15 页 / 261 K
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Functional Description  
The IC builds its power supply through an integrated  
rectifier. When it is placed in a magnetic field the DC  
internal voltage starts to increase.  
As long the power supply is lower than the power on reset  
(POR) threshold, the circuit is in reset mode to prevent  
unreliable operation. In this mode the modulator switch is  
After the supply voltage cross the POR threshold, the  
circuit goes in read mode and transmits periodically the  
128 data bits from EEPROM.  
The power on reset is designed with a typically 250mV  
hysteresis. The specified value in the DC electrical  
characteristic table indicates the high level-switching  
threshold. Ones the supply voltage had reached this level,  
the device work in read mode and reenter in reset mode if  
the supply voltage decrease under the lower threshold  
(~VPOR – 250mV).  
EM4069 Active  
In read mode the IC transmits periodically either the 128  
data bits from EEPROM or 64 data bits from ROM if  
command 2 has been sent. The bits are Manchester or BI-  
phase coded and issued by switching the modulator load in  
parallel to the coil ON and OFF. The read out process is  
repeated continuously without any pause as long as power  
level is greater than the POR threshold low.  
Fig. 4  
Clock Extractor  
The Clock extractor will generate a system clock with a  
frequency corresponding to the frequency of the RF field.  
The system clock is used by a sequencer to generate all  
internal timings.  
While the IC is operating in read mode it checks the coil  
signal once every bit period. If it detects a certain reader  
induced amplitude modulation of magnetic field it stops  
modulating and waits for a command word. In the case the  
EEPROM write command is detected the contents of  
selected EEPROM word is modified. Read ROM command  
will change the output sequence to the data provided by  
the laser ROM continuously.  
Data Extractor  
The transceiver generated field will be amplitude  
modulated to transmit data to the EM4069. The Data  
extractor demodulates the incoming signal to generate  
logic levels, and decodes the incoming data.  
The Data Modulator is driven by the serial data output from  
the transceiver. The modulator will draw a large current  
from both coil terminals, thus amplitude modulating the RF  
field according to the selected memory data.  
The Reset command returns to the initial mode as after a  
Power on Reset.  
Block description  
Power On Reset (POR)  
AC/DC Converter and Voltage Limiter  
The AC/DC converter is fully integrated on chip and will  
extract the power from the incident RF field. The internal  
DC voltage will be clamped to avoid high voltage in strong  
RF fields.  
When the EM4069 with its attached coil enters an  
electromagnetic field, the built in AC/DC converter will  
supply the chip. The DC voltage is monitored and a Reset  
signal is generated to initialise the logic. The Power On  
Reset is also provided in order to make sure that the chip  
will start issuing correct data.  
Lock All / Lock Memory Area  
Hysteresis is provided to avoid improper operation at the  
limit level.  
The EM4069 can be converted to a Read Only chip or be  
configured to Read/Write and Read Only Areas by  
programming the protection word. This configuration can  
be locked by write inhibiting the Write Protection Word.  
Great care should be taken in doing this operation as there  
is no further possibility to change the Write Protection  
Word. The Control Word can also be protected in the  
same way thus freezing the writing operation.  
Copyright 2003, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  