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EM4069B6WT11 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM4069B6WT11
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内容描述: 128位读/写非接触式识别装置与OTP功能 [128 bit Read/Write Contactless Identification Device with OTP function]
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文件页数/大小: 15 页 / 261 K
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NRZ modulation is simple and leads to good results in  
proximity of the reader. To send a bit-1, the reader does  
not modulate the signal for a complete bit period, and to  
send a bit-0, it modulates the carrier frequency during a  
whole bit period.  
The Write Configuration word command procedure is the  
same as above, the only exception is that only CRC  
verification and power check are done.  
Writing to EEPROM lasts 20 ms.  
Long streams of zeros (in write command data sequence  
or CRC) reduce writing distance due to drop of supply  
voltage under POR level, due to the long time the carrier  
frequency is in LOW field mode.  
After successful writing of EEPROM the IC sends an  
acknowledge pattern to confirm the completion of writing.  
Acknowledge pattern consists of switching the modulator  
load ON and OFF with a signal period of 256 µs (Option 64  
clocks/bit) or 128 µs (Option 32 clocks/bit) representing  
half a bit period (a quarter of bit period ON, a quarter of bit  
period OFF). Acknowledge pattern is transmitted during a  
time equivalent to two bit periods. Pulses of this length do  
not occur during data readout so the acknowledge pattern  
is easily recognizable.  
The writing distance can be improved by using RTO (return  
to one) modulation coding. Short burst of high field  
(approximately 1/4 of bit period) during transmission of a  
bit-0 to EM4069, recharge the on-board power supply  
buffer capacitor. To operate in this way, it is important to be  
synchronized with the sampling rate of the EM4069.  
Figure 14 shows the processing of hexadecimal data “96”  
in the write command string. The following signals are  
drawn :  
EM4069 : shows the modulator state. The “low” peak to  
peak value indicates that the modulator load is connected,  
and a “high” peak to peak value means that the modulator  
load is disconnected.  
Acknowledge pattern  
Fig. 13  
NRZ : Reader generated field. Low field is forced when  
sending a bit-0 and High field for a bit-1. The field is at the  
same level for the whole bit duration.  
After sending the acknowledge pattern the EM4069  
transitions to the Start Bit Detection state and waits for the  
start bit of next command. In this way, several words can  
be written to EEPROM without returning in read mode after  
RTO : Reader generated field as NRZ, with a burst of high  
field during 1/4 period for the transmission of a bit-0.  
every write. The value of the timer is 2 tRDB  
At the beginning of timing diagram, the EM4069 is in start  
bit detection state, modulator load and peak detector are  
ON. When the start bit is detected, the logic transitions in  
command processing state. 3/8 to 1/2 of a bit period after  
beginning of start bit (T1), EM4069 starts putting the  
modulator load half bit period OFF and half bit period ON.  
The sample of field strength which gives to the logic the  
value of bit is taken at the end of ON period.  
Disabling of Command Detection  
In certain cases the IC logic blocks the detection of the  
Synchronization pattern Envelope during one complete  
readout cycle of 128 bits. This is valid in the following  
cases :  
at power up (after POR)  
after a Reset command  
Assuming that the start bit duration is 1 bit period, the  
following bit samples are taken 3/8 to 1/2 of bit period after  
start of each bit period. So during the last quarter of bit  
period the field can be put high to recharge the EM4069  
on-board capacitor.  
after a time out occurs in the Start Bit Detection state  
(only in the case the transition to Start Bit Detection  
state was done from Read mode)  
The sampling point can be moved by changing the start bit  
Details about command timing  
Command timing is based on NRZ (non-return to zero)  
modulation on the magnetic field (as shown in figure 11).  
Copyright 2003, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  