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EM4069A6WT7 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM4069A6WT7
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内容描述: 128位读/写非接触式识别装置与OTP功能 [128 bit Read/Write Contactless Identification Device with OTP function]
分类和应用: 装置
文件页数/大小: 15 页 / 261 K
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The bit pattern of the Write configuration word command is  
compatible to Write Word command:  
When the synchronization pattern of modulation on  
magnetic field is detected (Command Envelope) the  
EM4069 waits for a Start Bit (SB).  
1101 0011 [8 bits protecting 8 words] [8 bits don’t care]  
[8 bit CRC]  
If the start bit is detected before tS3 time-out is expired, the  
Command Processing mode is entered.  
8 bits protecting 8 words:  
Eight command bits are serially entered. After the last bit  
was shifted, the 8-bit pattern is compared to one of the 5  
possible commands. In the case one of the commands is  
recognized the appropriate action is performed otherwise  
the IC returns in Read mode.  
Bit first sent in is protecting word 0, the second bit protects  
word 1 and so on.  
8 bits don’t care:  
Any 8-bit pattern, all 0 pattern is not suggested for power  
supply reasons.  
Detection of Command Envelope  
CRC has to be correct including also don’t care bits.  
The Peak Detector performs the measurement once every  
bit period. The Peak Detector circuit compares the peak  
value of voltage on the coil to the internal voltage  
reference. The result of comparison is one bit of  
information, which tells to Control Logic whether the field is  
strong (HIGH field) or weak (LOW field).  
Example of Write Configuration Word command:  
D3 02 55 2F (hex)  
The above command (1101 0011) will protect word 6 (0000  
0010) from being written.  
The Peak Detector circuit has a built-in hysteresis of  
typically 100mV which prevents unwanted Envelope  
detection in field strength which is at the level of the  
Detector threshold.  
Sync. wcw  
Detection of Start Bit (SB) and Command Word  
After the Synchronization pattern Envelope was detected,  
the EM4069 is sampling the incoming signal at a TRDB /8  
rate. The start bit is accepted as valid when three  
consecutive samples are LOW.  
Fig. 11  
Duration of start bit (version 64 clocks/bit) and following  
command bits are expected to be 512 µs (same as one bit  
period in read mode). In the version 32 clocks/bit, the  
duration is 256 µs  
If later on, word 1 has to be protected, the protection bit of  
already protected word 6 has to be set to logic 1 again. The  
new command will have to be sent with the following  
protection bits: 0100 0010.  
When the start bit is detected, the Control Logic starts  
switching Modulator load OFF and ON (First half of bit  
period OFF and second half of bit period ON) to assure  
enough power for operation of the IC. Samples of incoming  
bits are taken during the time the modulator load is ON  
Read Configuration word Command  
To enter this command the IC has to be in default mode  
(read EEPROM bits). After execution of this command the  
IC will cyclically read 128 bits.  
16 of them will represent the configuration word the rest is  
0. It is suggested that don’t care bits of configuration word  
are programmed with some pattern which will be easy to  
recognize during read out.  
The command, address, data and CRC bits are sent in non  
coded form (NRZ), reader induced high field (non  
modulated) corresponds to logic one, low field (modulated)  
to logic zero.  
Command Timing for 8-bit command  
While IC is in Read mode it is sampling the peak level of  
coil voltage (during the time modulator switch is ON) once  
every bit period. The peak to peak value is compared with  
an internal reference in order to get a one-bit information  
(high field or low field). The measured level is compared  
with previous samples in order to detect whether there is a  
reader-induced modulation present on the magnetic field.  
Commands are accepted in the range where normal field  
(100% strength) is higher than internal reference  
(considered as high field) and modulated field is lower than  
internal reference (considered as low field). An 65%  
modulation on the reader signal is proposed (high field  
100%, low field 20%).  
Copyright 2003, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  