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EM3027IDXTP14 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM3027IDXTP14
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 实时时钟,带有I2C或SPI ,晶体温度补偿,电池切换和涓流充电器 [Real Time Clock with I2C or SPI, Crystal Temperature Compensation, Battery Switchover and Trickle Charger]
分类和应用: 晶体电池温度补偿时钟
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 1086 K
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Crystal Calibration  
In order to compensate temperature dependency of the  
used crystal, correct values of XtalOffset, Qcoef and TO  
parameters shall be stored in EEPROM Control Page.  
User is advised to follow these steps in order to compute  
the parameters in a correct way:  
5) Find a quadratic regression of the  
measured dependency in form:  
ferr = -c1(T c2)2 + c3 or fO = aT2 + bT + c.  
6) Then real values of the searched  
parameters can be obtained from the  
following relations:  
1) Supply the chip from VCC pin.  
2) Set FD0 = FD1 = 0. Set CLKOE pin to ’1’.  
This provides the uncompensated  
frequency signal from the crystal oscillator  
directly on pin CLKOUT.  
Qcoefreal = c1 = -a,  
T0_real = c2 = -b/(2a),  
XtalOffsetreal = c3 = c b2/(4a).  
3) Measure output frequency fO at different  
temperatures (at least five measurements  
in equidistant points in the whole desired  
temperature range are recommended).  
Please note that quartz crystal needs few  
minutes to stabilise its frequency at a given  
7) The values to be stored in EEPROM  
Control Page have to be corrected in the  
following way:  
Qcoef = 4096*(1.05*Qcoefreal),  
T0 = T0_real - 4,  
4) Compute frequency deviation ferr in ppm of  
output frequency fo from the ideal (target)  
frequency fL = 32.768Hz in all measured  
points as follows:  
XtalOffset = 1.05*XtalOffsetreal.  
ferr = 106(fo-fL)/fL .  
Copyright 2013, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA  
3027-DS.doc, Version 8.0, 25-Jan-13  