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EM78M612BDM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM78M612BDM
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内容描述: 通用串行总线微控制器系列 [Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller Series]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 1272 K
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Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller Series  
The USB Host Resume Interrupt can only be used in this mode. If this interrupt is enabled,  
the MCU will be interrupted when the USB Suspend signal is detected on USB Bus.  
8.7 Interrupt  
The EM78M612 has two interrupt vectors, one is in 0x0001, and the other is in 0x000A.  
When an interrupt occurs while the MCU is running, it will jump to the interrupt vector  
(0x0001 or 0x000A) and execute the instructions sequentially from interrupt vector. RF is the  
interrupt status register that records the interrupt status in the relative flags/bits.  
The interrupt condition could be one of the following:  
1. TCC Overflow  
When the Timer Clock / Counter Register (R1) overflows, the  
status flag RF[0] will be set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X0001.  
2. EP0 Interrupt  
When the UDC successfully received a setup transaction from  
host to EndPoint0, the status flag RF[1] will be set to 1. Its  
interrupt vector is 0X000A.  
3. USB Suspend  
4. USB Reset  
When UDC detects a USB Suspend signal on USB bus, the  
status flag RF[2] will be set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X000A.  
When the UDC detects a USB Reset signal on USB bus, the  
status flag RF[3] will be set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X000A.  
5. USB Host Resume  
When UDC detects that the USB bus has left the Suspend  
condition, the status flag RF[4] will be set to 1. Its interrupt vector  
is 0X000A.  
6. Port 5 State Change When the input signals in Port 5 changes, the status flag RF[5]  
will be set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X0001.  
7. High Pattern Detecting Interrupt Conditions If the Pattern Detecting Application function  
is enabled, there will be three conditions with which interruption is  
generated, and the status flag RF[6] is set to 1, Its interrupt vector  
is 0X0001.  
a) P.60 turns to low, and the Pattern Counter value bigger than  
RA register value.  
b) P.60 stays at high, and Pattern Counter value equal 0XFF.  
c) P.60 turns to low and Pattern Counter value bigger than  
This specification may change without further notice.  
2004/4/28 V1.1  