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ELM327_13 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ELM327_13
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内容描述: OBD转RS232解释 [OBD to RS232 Interpreter]
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 393 K
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Example Applications  
The SAE J1962 standard dictates that all OBD  
compliant vehicles must use a standard connector, the  
shape and pinout of which is shown in Figure 8 below.  
The dimensions and pin connections for this ‘Type A’  
connector are fully described in the SAE J1962  
strongly recommended that you use a commercial  
transceiver chip as shown. We show a Microchip  
MCP2551 in this circuit, but most major manufacturers  
produce CAN transceiver ICs – look at the NXP  
PCA82C251, the Texas Instruments SN65LBC031,  
and the Linear Technology LT1796, to name only a  
few. Be sure to pay attention to the voltage limits as  
depending on the application, you may have to tolerate  
24V, and not just 12V.  
The next interface shown is for the ISO 9141 and  
ISO 14230 connections. We provide two output lines,  
as required by the standards, but depending on your  
vehicle, you may not need to use the ISO-L output.  
(Many vehicles do not require this signal for initiation,  
but some do, so it is shown here.) If your vehicle does  
not require the L line, simply leave pin 22 unused, and  
do not install Q6, R16 or R17.  
The ELM327 controls both of the ISO outputs  
through NPN transistors Q6 and Q7 as shown. These  
transistors have 510W pullup resistors connected to  
their collectors, as the standard requires. We are often  
asked about substitutes for these resistors – the  
standard specifies 510W but in a pinch you might be  
able to use 560W. A better solution would be to make  
510W from 240W and 270W 1/4W resistors in series.  
We do not recommend using a lower value for the  
resistance as it stresses every device on the bus. Note  
that 1/2W resistors are specified in Figure 10 as a  
short at 13.8V causes about 0.4W dissipation.  
Be careful if you are designing a circuit that might  
monitor other scan tools. Both the ELM327 and the  
other scan tool would present 510W resistors, so the  
vehicle would see 255W. This would very likely cause  
data errors, and might even damage some circuitry. To  
avoid this, you might wish to build in a way to switch  
the ELM327’s 510W resistors out, and replace them  
with a larger value. For example, you might put 10KW  
resistors in series with the 510W ones, and add  
jumpers or switches across the 10KW resistors. The  
jumpers could be removed or the switches opened if  
you are monitoring a scan tool.  
Figure 8. The J1962 Vehicle Connector  
The circuit that you build with the ELM327 will be  
required to connect by way of a matching male J1962  
connector. Fortunately these are available from  
several sources, easily found with a web search.  
Note that before OBDII was adopted, several  
vehicles (most notably those made by General Motors)  
used a connector like that shown above for factory  
communications. These vehicles typically used what is  
known as the ALDL protocol, which the ELM327 does  
not support. Check that your vehicle is actually OBDII  
compliant before building your ELM327 circuit.  
The circuit on page 73 (Figure 9) shows how the  
ELM327 might typically be used. Circuit power is  
obtained from the vehicle via OBD pins 16 and 5 and,  
after a protecting diode and some capacitive filtering,  
is presented to a five volt regulator. (Note that a few  
vehicles have been reported to not have a pin 5 – on  
these you will use pin 4 instead of pin 5.) The regulator  
powers several points in the circuit as well as an LED  
(L5) for visual confirmation that power is present. We  
have used an LP2950 for the regulator as that limits  
the current available to about 100mA which is a safe  
value for experimenting. The CAN interface is a low  
impedance circuit however, and if doing sustained  
transmissions on CAN, this type of regulator may  
cause LV RESETs or possibly shut down on over-  
temperature. Should you experience either of these  
problems, you may want to consider using a device  
that is capable of more current (such as a 78M05 or  
Data is both sent and received on the ISO-K line.  
When receiving, the data signal is presented to pin 12  
after being reduced by the R20-R21 voltage divider.  
Because of the Schmitt trigger input on pin 12, these  
resistors will give typical threshold levels of 7.0V  
(rising) and 3.6V (falling), providing a large amount of  
noise immunity while also protecting the IC. If you  
connect test equipment in parallel with R21, it will  
cause these thresholds to increase, so be conscious of  
The top left corner of Figure 9 shows the CAN  
interface circuitry. We do not advise making your own  
interface using discrete components – CAN buses  
typically have a lot of critical information on them, and  
you can easily do more harm than good here. It is  
Elm Electronics – Circuits for the Hobbyist  
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