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DM562P_04 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DM562P_04
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内容描述: 集成的V.90数据/传真/语音/扬声器调制解调器设备的单芯片与内存内置 [V.90 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Single Chip with Memory Built in]
分类和应用: 调制解调器
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 1161 K
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V.90 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone  
Modem Device Single Chip with Memory Built in  
7. HDLC Description  
0: indicates the data in the TxFIFO has deceased  
to zero and the HDLC circuit has transferred the  
1st 7eH pattern.  
1:indicates that the TxFIFO data is greater than  
or equal to the threshold value.  
HDLC RxDataBits Register: Address DC00H  
Write only  
Once the RxDataBit set to 1, the data in the RxBuffer  
will be transferred to RxFIFO. The transfer bit  
number is the same as the programming value of  
RxDataBits Register.  
0: all the data in the RxBuffer has been read.  
1:Programed by software to indicate that all data  
in the RxDataBits register has been written to the  
HDLC RxBuffer: Address DC01H  
Write only  
Receive data will be written to the RxBuffer and will  
be input to the RxHDLC circuit. The RxBuffer is 16  
bytes wide.  
Bit2:TxFIFO Threshold  
0: TxFIFO threshold No. = 11  
1: TxFIFO threshold No. =16  
HDLC RxFiFo: Address DC01H  
Bit3:TxFiFo Status  
Read only  
0:data No. in TxFIFO >= threshold  
1:data No. in TxFIFO <= threshold  
After the data has been passed from the RxBuffer to  
the RxHDLC circuit, the RxHDLC circuit will remove  
the 7eH patterns and transfer the results to the  
RxFIFO. There RxFIFO is 21 bytes wide.  
0:A write action to TxDataBites register will clear  
this bit.  
HDLC TxDataBits Register: Address DC02H  
1:Bit No. in TxBuffer = TxDataBits register.  
Write only  
Bit5: RxFIFO empty  
Data written to TxDataBits will be presented to the  
TxFIFO. The data in TxFIFO will be transferred to  
TXHDLC circuit. The transfer bit number is the same  
as the value of TxDataBits register. If the TxFIFO is  
empty , a 7e pattern will be loaded to the TxFIFO. If  
TxFIFO is not empty and the data frame has the  
pattern of five consecutive “1” , then the TXHDLC  
circuit will insert “0” automatically.  
0:data bytes No. in RxFIFO <>0  
1:data bytes No. in RxFIFO = 0  
Bit6: Reset  
0:Normal state  
1:reset HDLC circuit  
Zero Deletion In _ buffer register: Address  
HDLC TxFiFo Register: Address DC03H  
write only  
Write only  
Controller write the original data to this temp buffer.  
The original HDLC frame data will be loaded to the  
TxFIFO, presented to the input of the TxHDLC circuit.  
The TxFIFO is 21 bytes wide.  
Zero Deletion Out _ buffer register: Address  
read only  
HDLC TxBuffer: Address DC03H  
Controller read the result data from this buffer  
Read only  
Zero Deletion Status/Rst register: Address DC09H  
Bit0: data ready flag (read only)  
1:data has been load to out _ buffer. (clear  
automatically by a read from out_ buffer)  
0: data has not been load to out _ buffer.  
Bit1: frame end flag (read only)  
According to TxDataBits, the TxHDLC circuit will  
transfer the same number data bits to the TxBuffer.  
The TxBuffer is 16 bytes wide.  
HDLC CNTL/STATUS Register: Address DC04H  
Version: DM562P-DS-F01  
February 02, 2004  