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BCM20730A1KMLGT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BCM20730A1KMLGT
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内容描述: [Single-Chip Bluetooth Transceiver for Wireless Input Devices]
分类和应用: 无线
文件页数/大小: 62 页 / 1512 K
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BCM20730 Data Sheet  
Clock Frequencies  
The clock pin (SCL) and data pin (SDA) are both open-drain I/O pins. Pull-up resistors external to the BCM20730  
are required on both the SCL and SDA pins for proper operation.  
UART Interface  
The UART is a standard 2-wire interface (RX and TX) and has adjustable baud rates from 9600 bps to 1.5 Mbps.  
The baud rate can be selected via a vendor-specific UART HCI command. The interface supports the Bluetooth  
3.0 UART HCI (H5) specification. The default baud rate for H5 is 115.2 kbaud.  
Both high and low baud rates can be supported by running the UART clock at 24 MHz.  
The BCM20730 UART operates correctly with the host UART as long as the combined baud rate error of the two  
devices is within ±5%.  
Clock Frequencies  
The BCM20730 is set with crystal frequency of 24 MHz.  
Crystal Oscillator  
The crystal oscillator requires a crystal with an accuracy of ±20 ppm as defined by the Bluetooth specification.  
Two external load capacitors in the range of 5 pF to 30 pF are required to work with the crystal oscillator. The  
selection of the load capacitors is crystal dependent. Table 5 on page 26 shows the recommended crystal  
Figure 6: Recommended Oscillator Configuration—12 pF Load Crystal  
22 pF  
20 pF  
September 9, 2013 • 20730-DS108-R  
Page 25  