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BCM20730A1KML2GT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BCM20730A1KML2GT
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内容描述: [Single-Chip Bluetooth Transceiver for Wireless Input Devices]
分类和应用: 无线
文件页数/大小: 62 页 / 1512 K
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BCM20730 Data Sheet  
Peripheral Transport Unit  
Local Oscillator  
The local oscillator (LO) provides fast frequency hopping (1600 hops/second) across the 79 maximum available  
channels. The BCM20730 uses an internal loop filter.  
The BCM20730 radio transceiver features a self-contained automated calibration scheme. No user interaction  
is required during normal operation or during manufacturing to provide optimal performance. Calibration  
compensates for filter, matching network, and amplifier gain and phase characteristics to yield radio  
performance within 2% of what is optimal. Calibration takes process and temperature variations into account,  
and it takes place transparently during normal operation and hop setting times.  
Internal LDO Regulator  
The BCM20730 has an integrated 1.2V LDO regulator that provides power to the digital and RF circuits. The  
1.2V LDO regulator operates from a 1.425V to 3.63V input supply with a 30 mA maximum load current.  
Note: Always place the decoupling capacitors near the pins as closely together as possible.  
Peripheral Transport Unit  
Broadcom Serial Communications Interface  
The BCM20730 provides a 2-pin master BSC interface, which can be used to retrieve configuration information  
from an external EEPROM or to communicate with peripherals such as track-ball or touch-pad modules, and  
motion tracking ICs used in mouse devices. The BSC interface is compatible with I C slave devices. The BSC does  
not support multimaster capability or flexible wait-state insertion by either master or slave devices.  
The following transfer clock rates are supported by the BSC:  
• 100 kHz  
• 400 kHz  
• 800 kHz (Not a standard I C-compatible speed.)  
• 1 MHz (Compatibility with high-speed I C-compatible devices is not guaranteed.)  
The following transfer types are supported by the BSC:  
• Read (Up to 16 bytes can be read.)  
• Write (Up to 16 bytes can be written.)  
• Read-then-Write (Up to 16 bytes can be read and up to 16 bytes can be written.)  
• Write-then-Read (Up to 16 bytes can be written and up to 16 bytes can be read.)  
Hardware controls the transfers, requiring minimal firmware setup and supervision.  
September 9, 2013 • 20730-DS108-R  
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