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AM49DL324BGT85IS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM49DL324BGT85IS
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Memory Circuit, Flash+PSRAM, CMOS, PBGA73,]
分类和应用: 静态存储器内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 64 页 / 1054 K
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
(ACC) and unlock bypass functions are not available  
SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector Flash  
Memory Region  
when programming the SecSi Sector.  
The SecSi Sector area can be protected using one of  
the following procedures:  
The SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector feature provides a  
Flash memory region that enables permanent part  
identification through an Electronic Serial Number  
(ESN). The SecSi Sector uses a SecSi Sector Indica-  
tor Bit to indicate whether or not the SecSi Sector is  
locked when shipped from the factory. This bit is per-  
manently set at the factory and cannot be changed,  
which prevents cloning of a factory locked part. This  
ensures the security of the ESN once the product is  
shipped to the field.  
Write the three-cycle Enter SecSi Sector Region  
command sequence, and then follow the in-system  
sector protect algorithm as shown in Figure 2, ex-  
cept that RESET# may be at either VIH or VID. This  
allows in-system protection of the without raising  
any device pin to a high voltage. Note that this  
method is only applicable to the SecSi Sector.  
Write the three-cycle Enter SecSi Sector Region  
command sequence, and then use the alternate  
method of sector protection described in the Au-  
toselect Mode.  
AMD offers the device with the SecSi Sector either  
factory locked or customer lockable. The fac-  
tory-locked version is always protected when shipped  
from the factory, and has the SecSi Sector Indicator  
Bit permanently set to a 1.The customer-lockable  
version is shipped with the unprotected, allowing cus-  
tomers to utilize the that sector in any manner they  
choose. The customer-lockable version has the SecSi  
Sector Indicator Bit permanently set to a 0.Thus, the  
SecSi Sector Indicator Bit prevents customer-lockable  
devices from being used to replace devices that are  
factory locked.  
Once the SecSi Sector is locked and verified, the sys-  
tem must write the Exit SecSi Sector Region  
command sequence to return to reading and writing  
the remainder of the array.  
The SecSi Sector protection must be used with cau-  
tion since, once protected, there is no procedure  
available for unprotecting the SecSi Sector area and  
none of the bits in the SecSi Sector memory space  
can be modified in any way.  
The system accesses the SecSi Sector through a  
command sequence (see Enter SecSi Sector/Exit  
SecSi Sector Command Sequence). After the system  
has written the Enter SecSi Sector command se-  
quence, it may read the SecSi Sector by using the  
addresses normally occupied by the boot sectors. This  
mode of operation continues until the system issues  
the Exit SecSi Sector command sequence, or until  
power is removed from the device. On power-up, or  
following a hardware reset, the device reverts to send-  
ing commands to the boot sectors.  
Hardware Data Protection  
The command sequence requirement of unlock cycles  
for programming or erasing provides data protection  
against inadvertent writes (refer to Tables 15 and 16  
for command definitions). In addition, the following  
hardware data protection measures prevent accidental  
erasure or programming, which might otherwise be  
caused by spurious system level signals during VCC  
power-up and power-down transitions, or from system  
Factory Locked: SecSi Sector Programmed and  
Protected At the Factory  
Low VCC Write Inhibit  
When VCC is less than VLKO, the device does not ac-  
cept any write cycles. This protects data during VCC  
power-up and power-down. The command register  
and all internal program/erase circuits are disabled,  
and the device resets to reading array data. Subse-  
In a factory locked device, the SecSi Sector is pro-  
tected when the device is shipped from the factory.  
The SecSi Sector cannot be modified in any way. The  
device is available preprogrammed with a random, se-  
cure ESN only.  
quent writes are ignored until VCC is greater than VLKO  
In the Top Boot device the ESN will be at addresses  
1FF000h1FF007h in word mode (or addresses  
3FE000h3FE00Fh in byte mode).  
The system must provide the proper signals to the  
control pins to prevent unintentional writes when VCC  
is greater than VLKO  
Customer Lockable: SecSi Sector NOT  
Programmed or Protected At the Factory  
Write Pulse GlitchProtection  
Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE#f  
or WE# do not initiate a write cycle.  
If the security feature is not required, the SecSi Sector  
can be treated as an additional Flash memory space,  
expanding the size of the available Flash array. The  
SecSi Sector can be read any number of times, but  
can be programmed and locked only once, and cannot  
be erased. Note that the accelerated programming  
Logical Inhibit  
Write cycles are inhibited by holding any one of OE# =  
VIL, CE#f = VIH or WE# = VIH. To initiate a write cycle,  
July 19, 2002  