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AM29LV400B-150WAC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29LV400B-150WAC
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内容描述: [Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 519 K
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
The remaining scenario is that the system initially de-  
termines that the toggle bit is toggling and DQ5 has not  
gone high. The system may continue to monitor the  
toggle bit and DQ5 through successive read cycles, de-  
termining the status as described in the previous para-  
graph. Alternatively, it may choose to perform other  
system tasks. In this case, the system must start at the  
beginning of the algorithm when it returns to determine  
the status of the operation (top of Figure 5).  
Read DQ7–DQ0  
(Note 1)  
Read DQ7–DQ0  
DQ5: Exceeded Timing Limits  
DQ5 indicates whether the program or erase time has  
exceeded a specified internal pulse count limit. Under  
these conditions DQ5 produces a “1.” This is a failure  
condition that indicates the program or erase cycle was  
not successfully completed.  
Toggle Bit  
= Toggle?  
The DQ5 failure condition may appear if the system  
tries to program a “1” to a location that is previously pro-  
grammed to “0.” Only an erase operation can change  
a “0” back to a “1.” Under this condition, the device  
halts the operation, and when the operation has ex-  
ceeded the timing limits, DQ5 produces a “1.”  
DQ5 = 1?  
Under both these conditions, the system must issue the  
reset command to return the device to reading array  
1, 2)  
Read DQ7–DQ0  
DQ3: Sector Erase Timer  
Toggle Bit  
= Toggle?  
After writing a sector erase command sequence, the  
system may read DQ3 to determine whether or not an  
erase operation has begun. (The sector erase timer  
does not apply to the chip erase command.) If addi-  
tional sectors are selected for erasure, the entire time-  
out also applies after each additional sector erase com-  
mand. When the time-out is complete, DQ3 switches  
from “0” to “1.” If the time between additional sector  
erase commands from the system can be assumed to  
be less than 50 µs, the system need not monitor DQ3.  
See also the “Sector Erase Command Sequence” sec-  
Operation Not  
Complete, Write  
Reset Command  
Operation Complete  
1. Read toggle bit twice to determine whether or not it is  
toggling. See text.  
After the sector erase command sequence is written,  
the system should read the status on DQ7 (Data# Poll-  
ing) or DQ6 (Toggle Bit I) to ensure the device has ac-  
cepted the command sequence, and then read DQ3. If  
DQ3 is “1”, the internally controlled erase cycle has be-  
gun; all further commands (other than Erase Suspend)  
are ignored until the erase operation is complete. If  
DQ3 is “0”, the device will accept additional sector  
erase commands. To ensure the command has been  
accepted, the system software should check the status  
of DQ3 prior to and following each subsequent sector  
erase command. If DQ3 is high on the second status  
check, the last command might not have been ac-  
cepted. Table 6 shows the outputs for DQ3.  
2. Recheck toggle bit because it may stop toggling as DQ5  
changes to “1” . See text.  
Figure 5. Toggle Bit Algorithm  