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AM29LV008B-100FE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29LV008B-100FE
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 浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第10页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号AM29LV008B-100FE的Datasheet PDF文件第18页  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  
then following it by additional writes of the Sector Erase  
Checking the status of the toggle bit DQ6  
Checking the status of the RY/BY pin  
command to addresses of other sectors to be erased.  
The time between Sector Erase command writes must  
be less than 80 µs, otherwise that command will not be  
accepted. It is recommended that processor interrupts  
be disabled during this time to guarantee this condition.  
The interrupts can be re-enabled after the last Sector  
Erase command is written. A time-out of 80 µs from the  
rising edge of the last WE (or CE) will initiate the exe-  
cution of the Sector Erase command(s). If another fall-  
ing edge of the WE (or CE) occurs within the 80 µs  
time-out window, the timer is reset. During the 80 µs  
window, any command other than Sector Erase or  
Erase Suspend written to the device will reset the de-  
vice back to Read mode. Once the 80 µs window has  
timed out, only the Erase suspend command is recog-  
nized. Note that although the Reset command is not  
recognized in the Erase Suspend mode, the device is  
available for read or program operations in sectors that  
are not erase suspended. The Erase Suspended and  
Erase Resume commands may be written as often as  
required during a sector erase operation. Hence, once  
erase has begun, it must ultimately complete unless  
Hardware Reset is initiated. Loading the sector erase  
registers may be done in any sequence and with any  
number of sectors (0 to 18).  
Any commands written to the chip during the Em-  
bedded Program Algorithm will be ignored. If a  
hardware reset occurs during a programming oper-  
ation, the data at that location will be corrupted.  
Programming is allowed in any sequence and  
across sector boundaries. Beware that a data ‘0’  
cannot be programmed back to a ‘1’. Attempting to  
do so will cause the device to exceed programming  
time limits (DQ5 = 1) or result in an apparent suc-  
cess according to the data polling algorithm. How-  
ever, reading the device after executing the Read/  
Reset operation will show that the data is still ‘0’.  
Only erase operations can convert ‘0’s to ‘1’s.  
Figure 4 illustrates the Embedded Program Algorithm,  
using typical command strings and bus operations.  
Chip Erase  
Chip erase is a six bus cycle operation. There are two  
“unlock” write cycles, followed by writing the erase “set  
up” command. Two more “unlock” write cycles are fol-  
lowed by the chip erase command.  
Chip erase does not require the user to preprogram the  
device to all ‘0’s prior to erase. Upon executing the Em-  
bedded Erase Algorithm command sequence, the de-  
vice automatically programs and verifies the entire  
memory to an all zero data pattern prior to electrical  
erase. The system is not required to provide any con-  
trols or timings during these operations.  
Sector erase does not require the user to program the  
device prior to erase. The device automatically prepro-  
grams all memory locations, within sectors to be  
erased, prior to electrical erase. When erasing a sector  
or sectors, the remaining unselected sectors or the  
write protected sectors are unaffected. The system is  
not required to provide any controls or timings during  
sector erase operations. The Erase Suspend and  
Erase Resume commands may be written as often as  
required during a sector erase operation.  
The Embedded Erase Algorithm erase begins on the  
rising edge of the last WE or CE (whichever occurs  
first) pulse in the command sequence.The status of the  
Embedded Erase Algorithm operation can be deter-  
mined three ways:  
Automatic sector erase operations begin on the rising  
edge of the WE (or CE) pulse of the last sector erase  
command issued, and once the 80 µs time-out window  
has expired. The status of the sector erase operation  
can be determined three ways:  
DATA Polling of DQ7  
Checking the status of the toggle bit DQ6  
Checking the status of the RY/BY pin  
Figure 5 illustrates the Embedded Erase Algorithm,  
using a typical command sequence and bus opera-  
DATA Polling of DQ7  
Checking the status of the toggle bit DQ6  
Checking the status of the RY/BY pin  
Sector Erase  
Further status of device activity during the sector erase  
operation can be determined using toggle bits DQ2 and  
Sector erase is a six bus cycle operation.There are two  
“unlock” writes.These are followed by writing the erase  
“set up” command. Two more “unlock” writes are fol-  
lowed by the Sector Erase command (30H).The sector  
address (any address location within the desired sec-  
tor) is latched on the falling edge of WE or CE (which-  
ever occurs last) while the command (30H) is latched  
on the rising edge of WE or CE (whichever occurs first).  
Figure 5 illustrates the Embedded Erase Algorithm,  
using a typical command sequence and bus opera-  
Erase Suspend  
The Erase Suspend command allows the user to inter-  
rupt a Sector Erase operation and then perform data  
Multiple sectors can be specified for erase by writing  
the six bus cycle operation as described above and  