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RS8953SPBEPJ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: RS8953SPBEPJ
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内容描述: 高比特率数字用户线( HDSL )信道单元 [High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) channel unit]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 173 页 / 1229 K
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4.0 Registers  
All RS8953B registers are read-only or write-only. For registers that contain less  
than 8 bits, assigned bits reside in LSB positions; unassigned bits are ignored  
during write cycles and are indeterminate during read cycles. The LSB in all  
registers is bit position 0. All registers are randomly accessible except for the 64  
transmit routing table entries, the 64 receive combination table entries, and the 16  
receive signaling table entries which are written sequentially to a single register  
address. After power-up, register initialization is required only for populated  
HDSL channels. Command and status registers related to disconnected HDSL  
channels can be ignored (all HDSL inputs are internally pulled high).  
The single-pair version (RS8953SPBEPF and RS8953SPBEPJ) only supports  
HDSL Channel 1. HDSL Channels 2 and 3 are not usable. Although only one  
HDSL channel is usable, the internal registers are not changed from the three  
HDSL channel versions. This means that the registers should be programmed  
with the same value as if only HDSL Channel 1 was used in a three-channel  
version. This allows the three-channel version to be used for development, and  
without a software change, a single-pair version used for production.  