6.0 Operation
6.1 Data Modes
EmbeddedModem Family
6.1.3 Call Origination
Automatic and manual origination of calls is supported. Automatic call
origination is supported by the ATDS command. The modem automatically enters
the data handshaking mode upon completion of the dial function.
6.1.4 Call Answering
Automatic and manual answering of calls is supported. Incoming ring signals are
detected by the modem and indicated by the RING result code. Answering can be
performed by the DTE acknowledging the RING result code and issuing the ATA
command or by having the modem automatically go off-hook after N rings are
detected. The number of rings, N, is determined by the setting of the S0 register.
Upon going off-hook, the DCE will transmit 2100 Hz (or 2225 Hz for Bell
modes) for a duration of not less than 2.6 seconds and not more than 4.0 seconds.
6.1.5 Call Termination
A call is terminated by the DTE sending the ATH command to the modem.