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CN8223 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CN8223
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内容描述: ATM发射器/接收器与UTOPIA接口 [ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 161 页 / 1722 K
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2.0 Functional Description  
2.8 FEAC Channel and HDLC Data Link Programming  
ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface  
2.8 FEAC Channel and HDLC Data Link  
This section discusses the use and programming requirements for the FEAC  
channel and HDLC data link. The FEAC channel is used in DS3 mode; the  
HDLC data link is used by DS3, E3, and STS-1/3 framers.  
2.8.1 FEAC Channel Transmitter  
The FEAC Channel transmitter is under control of the PHY Type [bits 20],  
External Framer [bit 5] of CONFIG_1 [0x00], Transmit Alarm Control [bits 94  
of CONFIG_2 [0x01], Enable FEAC Transmission [bit 9], and Transmit FEAC  
Data [bits 1510] of TXFEAC_ERRPAT [0x03]. An interrupt for use with FEAC  
channel operations is available on the DL_INT output pin, and status bits for  
determining the interrupt source are located in the RXFEAC_VER register  
The PHY type must be set to internal DS3 for FEAC channel transmission to  
take place. In DS3 mode, the last C bit in subframe 1 of the M-frame is used for  
transmission. Setting the Transmit Alarm Control [bits 94] for transmission of  
AIS disables transmission of the FEAC channel. Transmission of yellow alarm or  
idle code has no effect on FEAC channel transmission.  
The TXFEAC_ERRPAT register controls the byte to be transmitted on the  
FEAC channel. All messages for transmission on the FEAC channel must be in  
the form 0xxxmmm011111111. The right-most bit of this sequence is the first  
bit transmitted on the channel. To initiate transmission of a message byte in the  
FEAC channel, write the desired byte in the form mmmxxxinto bits 1510 of  
the TXFEAC_ERRPAT register. A 1 must be written to Enable FEAC  
Transmission [bit 9]. Transmission of the flag (11111111) and the 0s on either  
side of the xxxmmmpattern is automatic. Ten repetitions of the message are  
sent before an interrupt is issued on the DL_INT pin. The interrupt also appears  
in the RXFEAC_VER register to request a new byte from the processor. To clear  
the interrupt, you must write the TXFEAC_ERRPAT register. Each time a new  
byte is written, 10 transmissions of that byte (and flag) will automatically occur.  
Interrupts from the transmit FEAC channel will occur at a rate of approximately  
one interrupt per 17 ms.  
If you write a 0 to Enable FEAC Transmission [bit 9], then continuous  
transmission of idle flags is enabled and no interrupts are issued until a byte of the  
proper format is written to the TXFEAC_ERRPAT register. Interrupts from the  
FEAC channel transmitter appear on Transmit FEAC Interrupt [bit 8] in the  
RXFEAC_VER register [0x3C].  