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CN8223 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CN8223
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内容描述: ATM发射器/接收器与UTOPIA接口 [ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 161 页 / 1722 K
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2.0 Functional Description  
ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface  
2.6 ATM Cell Processing  
Two rate control registers are provided for control of the port sources to allow  
programmable rate shaping of cell transmission. The ratio of active to idle cells is  
programmable with 0.4 % granularity. The cell generation process maintains  
status counts of non-idle cells transmitted for each of the four sources. Table 2-17  
lists the four cell generation modes provided by the CN8223.  
Table 2-17. Cell Generation Modes  
48-Octet Mode  
Provides for full ATM generation. Forty-eight octets are taken from the FIFO interface, the appropriate  
header fields are attached, and the payload CRC is overwritten to form the ATM cell.  
52-Octet Mode  
Allows a 53-octet cell, less the HEC octet, to be transferred from the FIFO interface. The HEC is calculated  
and inserted by the CN8223. The payload CRC for AAL3/4 can be inserted, or checked and transferred  
without modification. Both the HEC and the payload CRC can be optionally disabled or errored on a  
single-event basis. The cell generation process also provides HEC coset generation, ATM payload  
scrambling. In each of the above modes, any header field can be overwritten with information from  
control registers.  
53-Octet Mode  
57-Octet Mode  
Allows entire 53-octet cells to be transferred from the FIFO interface. This is the mode used when Port 0  
is configured for UTOPIA.  
Allows the input of entire 57-octet PLCP slots from the FIFO interface. Can be used for external PLCP  
insertion or test generation purposes. CELL_GEN_x  
Per-port cell generation registers for FIFO Ports 03 are in the four  
CELL_GEN_x registers [0x040x07]. Cell Generation Mode [bits 1,0] selects the  
operating mode for the generation circuit. The four modes described in Table 2-17  
are provided. In 52-, 53-, or 57-octet modes, the individual header fields obtained  
from the FIFO interface can be overwritten. This overwriting is accomplished  
with the values found in the TX_HDR registers for a particular port by setting the  
appropriate field insertion control bit in the CELL_GEN_x register. In 48-octet  
mode the header fields always come from the programmed value in the  
corresponding TX_HDR register.  
The overhead fields of active cells are taken from the locations listed in  
Table 2-18 or set to the indicated values.  