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BT860 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BT860
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内容描述: 多端口的YCrCb到NTSC / PAL / SECAM数字视频编码器 [Multiport YCrCb to NTSC / PAL / SECAM Digital Video Encoder]
分类和应用: 编码器
文件页数/大小: 111 页 / 1232 K
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3.0 Digital Processing and Functionality  
3.2 Effects  
Multiport YCrCb to NTSC/PAL /SECAM  
3.2.7 Programmable Video Adjustments Controls  
Registers Y_OFF, M_Y, M_CB, M_CR, and PHASE_OFF program video  
adjustment controls for hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness. Hue Adjust  
There are two methods for adjusting the hue. Only one method should be enabled  
at any time. While using one method, the registers of the other should be set to  
their default values.  
Method 1—adjusts the subcarrier phase within the active video region.  
Register HUE_ADJUST (3B[7:0]) controls the subcarrier phase. This method  
adjusts the hue in composite and S-Video signals for PAL and NTSC waveforms  
according to the following equation:  
HUE_ADJUST = 256 ×(phase offset) ⁄ 360°  
Method 2—uses the four registers MULT_UU, MULT_VU, MULT_UV, and  
MULT_VV to matrix multiply the color vectors.  
These registers are used to perform a 2x2 matrix multiplication on the U/V  
path (or D /D path for SECAM). Matrix multiplication transforms the incoming  
U/V stream into an outgoing U/V stream preceeding the color modulator. The  
default values leave the U/V stream unmodified. The parameters are 8-bit twos  
complement numbers.  
The formulas implemented by these registers are as follows:  
Uout = (MULT_UU/128) × Uin + (MULT_VU/128) × Vin  
Vout = (MULT_UV/128) × Uin + (MULT_VV/128) × Vin  
The value 0x7F is a special case which is rounded up internally to +128, or a  
factor of 1.00 after the multiplier is divided by 128.  
These registers can be loaded with sine and cosine values as follows to  
perform a hue rotation on the chrominance values, except a value of +127 is made  
128 internally.  
To rotate the hue by an angle θ, program the matrix multipliers as follows:  
MULT_UU = 128 × cos (θ)  
MULT_VU = 128 × sin (θ)  
MULT_UV = 128 × sin (θ)  
MULT_VV = 128 × cos (θ)  
Method 2 (matrix multiplication) cannot be used for hue rotation when the  
PAL bit is enabled. However, hue rotation can be accomplished for PAL modes in  
one of two ways. For component modes, method 2 hue rotation (matrix  
multiplication) is effective if register bit PAL (16[3]) is set to 0. For composite  
and S-Video modes, in which register bit PAL is enabled, method 1 hue rotation  
(subcarrier phase adjust) is effective. Hue rotation cannot be implemented  
simultaneously for component and composite PAL modes.  
When in SECAM mode, this matrix multiplication occurs in D /D space,  
and, as a result, the angle should be the negative of what one would expect if the  
data was in the U/V space for PAL or NTSC. Brightness  
Brightness adjust is controlled by register Y_OFF (37[7:0]). Y_OFF is a twos  
compliment number, such that a value of 0x00 is 0 IRE offset, a value of 0x7F is  
+22.14 IRE offset, and a value of 0x80 is –22.31 IRE offset. The luminance level  
offset is referenced from black and can be adjusted from –22.31 IRE (below  
black) to +22.14 IRE (above black). Active video is added to the offset level.  