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CS8900A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
 浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第69页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第70页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第71页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第72页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第74页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第75页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第76页浏览型号CS8900A的Datasheet PDF文件第77页  
Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
4.7 Receive and Transmit Frame Locations  
After the RxLength has been read, the receive  
frame can be read. When some portion of the frame  
is read, the entire frame should be read before read-  
ing the RxEvent register either directly or through  
the ISQ register. Reading the RxEvent register sig-  
nals to the CS8900A that the host is finished with  
the current frame, and wants to start processing the  
next frame. In this case, the current frame will no  
longer be accessible to the host. The current frame  
will also become inaccessible if a Skip command is  
issued, or if the entire frame has been read. See  
Section 5.2 on page 79.  
The Receive and Transmit Frame PacketPage loca-  
tions are used to transfer Ethernet frames to and  
from the host. The host sequentially writes to and  
reads from these locations, and internal buffer  
memory is dynamically allocated between transmit  
and receive as needed. One receive frame and one  
transmit frame are accessible at a time.  
4.7.1 Receive PacketPage Locations  
In IO mode, the receive status/length/frame loca-  
tions are read through repetitive reads from one IO  
port at the IO base address. See Section 4.10 on  
page 76.  
4.7.2 Transmit Locations  
The host can write frames into the CS8900A buffer  
using Memory writes using REP MOVS to the Tx-  
Frame location. See Section 5.7 on page 99.  
In memory mode, the receive status/length/frame  
locations are read using memory reads of a block of  
memory starting at memory base address + 0400h.  
Typically the memory locations are read sequen-  
tially using repetitive Move instructions (REP  
MOVS). See Section 4.9 on page 74.  
4.8 Eight and Sixteen Bit Transfers  
A data transfer to or from the CS8900A can be  
done in either I/O or Memory space, and can be ei-  
ther 16 bits wide (word transfers) or 8 bits wide  
(byte transfers). Because the CS8900A’s internal  
architecture is based on a 16-bit data bus, word  
transfers are the most efficient.  
Random access is not needed. However, the first  
118 bytes of the receive frame can be accessed ran-  
domly if word reads, on even word boundaries, are  
used. Beyond 118 bytes, the memory reads must be  
sequential. Byte reads, or reads on odd-word  
boundaries, can be performed only in sequential  
read mode. See Section 4.8 on page 73.  
To transfer transmit frames to the CS8900A and re-  
ceive frames from the CS8900A, the host may mix  
word and byte transfers, provided it follows three  
The RxStatus word reports the status of the current  
received frame. RxEvent register 4 (PacketPage  
base + 0124h) has the same contents as the RxSta-  
tus register, except RxEvent is cleared when Rx-  
Event is read.  
1) The primary method used to access CS8900A  
memory is word access.  
2) Word accesses to the CS8900A’s internal  
memory are kept on even-byte boundaries.  
The RxLength (receive length) word is the length,  
in bytes, of the data to be transferred to the host  
across the ISA bus. The register describes the  
length from the start of Destination Address to the  
end of CRC, assuming that CRC has been selected  
(via Register 3 RxCFG, bit BufferCRC). If CRC  
has not been selected, then the length does not in-  
clude the CRC, and the CRC is not present in the  
receive buffer.  
3) When switching from byte accesses to word ac-  
cesses, a byte access to an even byte address  
must be followed by a byte access to an odd-  
byte address before the host may execute a  
word access (this will realign the word transfers  
to even-byte boundaries). On the other hand, a  
byte access to an odd-byte address may be fol-  
lowed by a word access.  