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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
(Register B, BufCFG, Bit 9) is set, the host is inter- net protocol is designed to allow each station equal  
access to the network at any given time. Any node  
can attempt to gain access to the network by first  
completing a deferral process (described below) af-  
ter the last network activity, and then transmitting a  
packet that will be received by all other stations. If  
two nodes transmit simultaneously, a collision oc-  
curs and the colliding packets are corrupted. Two  
primary tasks of the MAC are to avoid network col-  
lisions, and then recover from them when they oc-  
cur. In addition, when the CS8900A is using the  
AUI, the MAC must support the SQE Test function  
described in section of the Ethernet stan-  
3.9.4 Receive Error Detection and Handling  
The following receive errors are reported in the Rx-  
Event register (Register 4): CRC Error  
If a frame is received with a bad CRC, the CRCer-  
ror bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit C) is set. If the  
CRCerrorA bit (Register 5, RxCTL, Bit C) is set,  
the frame will be buffered by CS8900A. If the  
CRCerroriE bit (Register 3, RxCFG. Bit C) is set,  
the host is interrupted. Runt Frame Collision Avoidance  
If a frame is received that is shorter than 64 bytes,  
the Runt bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit D) is set. If  
the RuntA bit (Register 5, RxCTL, Bit D) is set, the  
frame will still be buffered by CS8900A. If the  
RuntiE bit (Register 3, RxCFG. Bit D) is set, the  
host is interrupted.  
The MAC continually monitors network traffic by  
checking for the presence of carrier activity (carrier  
activity is indicated by the assertion of the internal  
Carrier Sense signal generated by the ENDEC). If  
carrier activity is detected, the network is assumed  
busy and the MAC must wait until the current  
packet is finished before attempting transmission.  
The CS8900A supports two schemes for determin- Extra Data  
If a frame is received that is longer than 1518 bytes,  
the Extradata bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit E) is set. ing when to initiate transmission: Two-Part Defer-  
If the ExtradataA bit (Register 5, RxCTL, Bit E) is ral, and Simple Deferral. Selection of the deferral  
set, the first 1518 bytes of the frame will still be  
scheme is determined by the 2-partDefDis bit  
buffered by CS8900A. If the ExtradataiE bit (Reg- (Register 13, LineCTL, Bit D). If the 2-partDefDis  
ister 3, RxCFG. Bit E) is set, the host is interrupted. bit is clear, the MAC uses a two-part deferral pro-  
cess defined in section of the Ethernet Dribble Bits and Alignment Error  
standard (ISO/IEC 8802-3, 1993). If the 2-partDef-  
Under normal operating conditions, the MAC may  
Dis bit is set, the MAC uses a simplified deferral  
detect up to 7 additional bits after the last full byte  
scheme. Both schemes are described below:  
of a receive packet. These bits, known as dribble Two-Part Deferral  
bits, are ignored. If dribble bits are detected, the  
Dribblebit bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit 7) is set. If In the two-part deferral process, the 9.6 µs Inter  
both the Dribblebits bit and CRCerror bit Packet Gap (IPG) timer is started whenever the in-  
(Register 4, RxEvent, Bit C) are set at the same ternal Carrier Sense signal is deasserted. If activity  
time, an alignment error has occurred.  
is detected during the first 6.4 µs of the IPG timer,  
the timer is reset and then restarted once the activi-  
ty has stopped. If there is no activity during the first  
6.4 µs of the IPG timer, the IPG timer is allowed to  
time out (even if network activity is detected during  
3.9.5 Media Access Management  
The Ethernet network topology is a single shared  
medium with several attached stations. The Ether-  