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CS6422-CSZ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS6422-CSZ
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内容描述: 增强型全双工免提IC [Enhanced Full-Duplex Speakerphone IC]
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 875 K
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14), and the receive suppression speech detector  
threshold is set by RSThd (Register 2, bits 13 and  
making. The CS6422 must be <Idle> before it will  
allow a state change between <Transmit> and <Re-  
12). The transmit speech detectors for both half-du- ceive>.  
plex and suppression default to 6 dB.  
The half-duplex controller can be susceptible to  
Note that constant power signals which persist for echo, so a holdover timer is provided to help pre-  
long durations, such as tones or white noise from a vent false switching. Holdover will force the chan-  
signal generator, will be detected as speech only as nel to remain in its current state for a fixed duration  
long as the background noise level has not risen to  
within the speech detection threshold of the signal  
after speech has stopped. HDly (Register 2, bits 9  
and 8) sets the duration of the holdover. Longer  
power. When a tone has persisted for long enough, holdover will tend to make interrupting more diffi-  
the background noise level will be equal to the  
power estimator level, and so the tone will no long-  
er be considered speech. This duration is dependent  
upon the power difference between the signal and  
the ambient noise power, as well as NseRmp. It  
should be noted that the CS6422 has a tone detector  
to prevent updates when tones are present and allow  
tones to persist regardless of the speech detectors.  
cult, but will be more robust to spurious switching  
caused by echo. Idle Return to Transmit  
When enabled, this feature causes the CS6422 to  
return to <Transmit> mode from an <Idle> state  
when operating in half-duplex. This simulates  
full-duplex-like behavior during the periods of  
half-duplex operation at the beginning of a call.  
4.1.2 Half-Duplex Mode  
4.1.3 AGC  
In cases where the system relies on the echo cancel-  
ler for stability, a fail-safe mechanism must be in  
place for instances when the echo canceller is not  
performing adequately. The CS6422 implements a  
half-duplex mode to guarantee communication  
even when the echo canceller is disabled.  
The CS6422 implements a peak-limiting AGC in  
both the transmit and receive directions in order to  
boost low-level signals without compromising per-  
formance when high amplitude signals are present.  
The technique effectively results in dynamic range  
When the CS6422 is first powered on, or emerges  
from a reset, the echo canceller coefficients are  
cleared, and the echo cancellers provide no benefit  
at this point. The half-duplex mode is on to prevent  
howling and echo from interfering with communi-  
cation. Once the CS6422s adaptive filters have  
adapted sufficiently, the half-duplex mode is auto-  
matically disabled, and full-duplex communication  
can occur.  
The AGC works by setting a reference level based  
on the value represented by TVol (Register 1, bits  
11-8) for the transmit direction and RVol (Register  
0, bits 11-8) for the receive direction. If the signal  
from the input is above this reference, it is attenu-  
ated to the reference level with an attack time of  
125 µs. This attenuation level decays with a time  
constant of 30 ms unless another signal greater than  
the reference level is detected. After the attenua-  
tion, a post-scaler scales the reference level to full-  
scale (the maximum digital code), which amplifies  
all signals by the difference between the reference  
level and full-scale.  
The half-duplex mode allows three states: <Trans-  
mit>, <Receive>, and <Idle>. In the <Transmit>  
state, the transmit channel is open and the receive  
channel is muted. The <Receive> state mutes the  
transmit channel. The <Idle> state is an internal  
state which is used to enhance switching decision  
For example, Figure 11 shows how the AGC works  
with a reference level of +30 dB (Word = 0000).  