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CS5166H 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5166H
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内容描述: 5位同步CPU控制器与电源就绪和电流限制 [5-Bit Synchronous CPU Controller with Power-Good and Current Limit]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 22 页 / 441 K
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Application Information: continued  
The first range is 2.125V to 3.525V in 100mV steps, the sec-  
ond is 1.325V to 2.075V in 50mV steps, depending on the  
digital input code. If all five bits are left open, the CS5166H  
enters adjust mode. In adjust mode, the designer can  
choose any output voltage by using resistor divider feed-  
back to the VFB pin, as in traditional controllers. The  
CS5166H is specifically designed to meet or exceed Intel’s  
Pentium® II specifications.  
Until the voltage on the VCC Supply pin exceeds the 3.95V  
monitor threshold, the Soft Start and Gate pins are held  
low. The Fault latch is Reset (no Fault condition). The out-  
put of the Error Amp (COMP) is pulled up to 1V by the  
Comp Clamp. When the VCC pin exceeds the monitor  
threshold, the GATE(H) output is activated, and the Soft  
Start Capacitor begins charging. The GATE(H) output will  
remain on, enabling the NFET switch, until terminated by  
either the PWM Comparator, or the Maximum On-Time  
Trace 1 - Regulator Output Voltage (1V/div.)  
Trace 3 - COMP Pin (error amplifier output) (1V/div.)  
Trace 4 - Soft Start Pin (2V/div.)  
Figure 4: Demonstration board startup waveforms.  
If the Maximum On-Time is exceeded before the regulator  
output voltage achieves the 1V level, the pulse is terminat-  
ed. The GATE(H) pin drives low, and the GATE(L) pin  
drives high for the duration of the Extended Off-Time. This  
time is set by the Time-out Timer and is approximately  
equal to the Maximum On-Time, resulting in a 50% Duty  
Cycle. The GATE(L) Pin will then drive low, the GATE(H)  
pin will drive high, and the cycle repeats.  
When regulator output voltage achieves the 1V level pre-  
sent at the Comp pin, regulation has been achieved and  
normal Off-Time will ensue. The PWM comparator termi-  
nates the switch On-Time, with Off-Time set by the COFF  
Capacitor. The V2TM control loop will adjust switch Duty  
Cycle as required to ensure the regulator output voltage  
tracks the output of the Error Amp.  
Trace 1 - Regulator Output Voltage (5V/div.)  
Trace 2 - Inductor Switching Node (5V/div.)  
The Soft Start and Comp capacitors will charge to their  
final levels, providing a controlled turn-on of the regulator  
output. Regulator turn-on time is determined by the Comp  
capacitor charging to its final value. Its voltage is limited  
by the Soft Start Comp clamp and the voltage on the Soft  
Start pin.  
Figure 5: Demonstration board enable startup waveforms.  
Normal Operation  
During Normal operation, Switch Off-Time is constant and  
set by the COFF capacitor. Switch On-Time is adjusted by  
the V2TM Control loop to maintain regulation. This results in  
changes in regulator switching frequency, duty cycle, and  
output ripple in response to changes in load and line.  
Output voltage ripple will be determined by inductor rip-  
ple current and the ESR of the output capacitors (see  
Figures 6 and 7).  
Trace 1 - Regulator Output Voltage (1V/div.)  
Trace 2 - Inductor Switching Node (2V/div.)  
Trace 3 - 12V input (V ) (5V/div.)  
Trace 4 - 5V Input (1V/div.)  
Figure 3: Demonstration board startup in response to increasing 12V  
and 5V input voltages. Extended off time is followed by normal off  
time operation when output voltage achieves regulation to the error  
amplifier output.  