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CS5132GDW24 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5132GDW24
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内容描述: 双CPU输出降压控制器 [Dual Output CPU Buck Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 19 页 / 242 K
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Application Information: continued  
Therefore, the range of load currents that will cause the  
R = droop resistor value;  
internal current sense comparator to detect an overload  
condition through a 3.3m½ embedded PCB trace is: 19.3A  
< ICL < 38.7A, with 26A being the nominal overload condi-  
r = 0.71786mW-mil (1 oz. copper);  
L = droop resistor length;  
W = droop resistor width.  
Design Rules for Using a Droop Resistor  
DROOP = 3.3mW.  
The basic equation for laying an embedded resistor is:  
RAR = r ´  
or R = r ´  
3.3mW = 0.71786mW-mil ´  
(W ´ t)  
201 mils ´ 1.37 mils  
Hence, L = 1265 mils = 1.265 in.  
A= W ´ t = cross-sectional area;  
r= the copper resistivity (µ½-mil);  
L= length (mils);  
In layouts where it is impractical to lay out a droop resistor  
in a straight line 1265 mils long, the embedded PCB trace  
can be ÒsnakedÓ to fit within the available space.  
W = width (mils);  
t = thickness (mils).  
Thermal Management  
For most PCBs the copper thickness, t, is 35µm (1.37 mils)  
for one ounce copper; r = 717.86µ½-mil.  
Thermal Considerations for Power MOSFETs and Diodes  
For a CPU load of 16A the resistance needed to create a  
50mV drop at full load is:  
In order to maintain good reliability, the junction tempera-  
ture of the semiconductor components should be kept to a  
maximum of 150¡C or lower. The thermal impedance  
(junction to ambient) required to meet this requirement can  
be calculated as follows:  
= 3.1m½.  
TJ(MAX) - TA  
Thermal Impedance =  
The resistivity of the copper will drift with the temperature  
according to the following guidelines:  
ÆR = 12% @ TA = +50ûC;  
ÆR = 34% @TA = +100ûC.  
A heatsink may be added to TO-220 components to reduce  
their thermal impedance. A number of PC board layout  
techniques such as thermal vias and additional copper foil  
area can be used to improve the power handling capability  
of surface mount components.  
Droop Resistor Length, Width, and Thickness  
The minimum width and thickness of the droop resistor  
should primarily be determined on the basis of the current-  
carrying capacity required, and the maximum permissible  
droop resistor temperature rise. PCB manufacturer design  
charts can be used in determining current- carrying capaci-  
ty and sizes of etched copper conductors for various tem-  
perature rises above ambient.  
For single conductor applications, such as the use of the  
droop resistor, PCB design charts show that for a droop  
resistor with a required current-carrying capacity of 16A,  
and a 45ûC temperature rise above ambient, the recom-  
mended cross section is 275 mil2.  
EMI Management  
As a consequence of large currents being turned on and off  
at high frequency, switching regulators generate noise as a  
consequence of their normal operation. When designing  
for compliance with EMI/EMC regulations, additional  
components may be added to reduce noise emissions.  
These components are not required for regulator operation  
and experimental results may allow them to be eliminated.  
The input filter inductor may not be required because bulk  
filter and bypass capacitors, as well as other loads located  
on the board will tend to reduce regulator di/dt effects on  
the circuit board and input power supply. Placement of the  
power component to minimize routing distance will also  
help to reduce emissions.  
W ´ t = 275 mil2,  
W = droop resistor width;  
t = droop resistor thickness.  
For 1oz. copper, t= 1.37 mils, therefore W = 201 mils =  
0.201 in.  
W ´ t  
R = r ´  