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CS5132 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5132
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内容描述: 双CPU输出降压控制器 [Dual Output CPU Buck Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 19 页 / 242 K
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Application Information: continued  
Adding slope compensation to the control loop, avoids  
Protection and Monitoring Features  
erratic operation of the PWM circuit, particularly at lower  
duty cycles and higher frequencies, where there is not  
enough ramp signal, and provides a more stable switch-  
The scheme that prevents that switching noise prematurely  
triggers the PWM circuit consists of adding a positive volt-  
age slope to the output of the Error Amplifier (COMP pin)  
during an off-time cycle.  
Over-Current Protection  
A loss-less hiccup mode current limit protection feature is  
provided, requiring only the COMP capacitor to imple-  
ment. The CS5132 provides overcurrent protection by sens-  
ing the current through a ÒDroopÓ resistor, using an inter-  
nal current sense comparator. The comparator compares  
the voltage drop across the ÒDroopÓ resistor to an internal  
reference voltage of 86mV (typical).  
If the voltage drop across the ÒDroopÓ resistor exceeds this  
threshold, the current sense comparator allows the fault  
latch to be set. This causes the regulator to stop switching.  
The circuit that implements this function for the syn-  
chronous regulator section (VCC(CORE)) is shown in Figure 6.  
During this over current condition, the CS5132 stays off for  
the time it takes the COMP pin capacitor to discharge to its  
lower 0.25V threshold. As soon as the COMP pin reaches  
0.25V, the Fault latch is reset (no overcurrent condition pre-  
sent) and the COMP pin is charged with a 30µA current  
source to a voltage 1.06V greater than the VFFB voltage.  
Only at this point the regulator attempts to restart normal-  
ly. The CS5132 will operate initially with a duty cycle  
whose value depends on how low the VFFB voltage was  
during the overcurrent condition (whether hiccup mode  
was due to excessive current or hard short). This protection  
scheme minimizes thermal stress to the regulator compo-  
nents, input power supply, and PC board traces, as the over  
current condition persists. Upon removal of the overload,  
the fault latch is cleared, allowing normal operation to  
To Synchronous FET  
Figure 6: Small RC filter provides the proper voltage ramp at the begin-  
ning of each on-time cycle.  
The ramp waveform is generated through a small RC filter  
that provides the proper voltage ramp at the beginning of  
each on-time cycle. The resistors R1 and R2 in the circuit of  
Figure 6 form a voltage divider from the GATE(L) output,  
superimposing a small artificial ramp on the output of the  
error amplifier.  
A similar approach can be used also for the non-syn-  
chronous regulator section (VI/O) as shown in Figure 7. In  
this case, the slope compensation signal is generated direct-  
ly from the GATE output, through the ac coupling capaci-  
tor C1, at the beginning of each on-cycle.  
Overvoltage Protection  
Overvoltage protection (OVP) is provided as result of the  
normal operation of the V2TM control topology and requires  
no additional external components. The control loop  
responds to an overvoltage condition within 200ns, causing  
the top MOSFET to shut off, disconnecting the regulator  
from its input voltage. This results in a ÒcrowbarÓ action to  
clamp the output voltage and prevents damage to the load.  
The regulator will remain in this state until the overvoltage  
condition ceases or the input voltage is pulled low.  
It is important that in both circuits, the series combination  
R1/R2 is high enough in resistance not to load down and  
negatively affect the slew rate on the GATE(L) and GATE  
Additionally, a dedicated Overvoltage protection (OVP)  
output pin (pin 21) is provided in the CS5132. The OVP sig-  
nal will go high (overvoltage condition), if the output volt-  
age (VCC(CORE)) exceeds the regulation voltage by 8.5% of  
the voltage set by the particular DAC code. The OVP pin  
can source up to 25mA of current that can be used to drive  
an SCR to crowbar the power supply.  
To V  
Power Switch  
Power-Good Circuit  
The Power-Good pin (pin 22) is an open-collector signal  
consistent with TTL DC specifications. It is externally  
pulled up, and is pulled low (below 0.3V) when the regula-  
tor output voltage typically exceeds ± 8.5% of the nominal  
output voltage. Maximum output voltage deviation before  
Power-Good is pulled low is ± 12%.  
Figure 7: Slope compensation for the non-synchronous regulator section  
Output Enable  
On/off control of the regulator outputs can be implement-  
ed by pulling the COMP pins low. It is required to pull the  
COMP pins below the 1.06V PWM comparator offset volt-  
age in order to disable switching on the GATE drivers.  