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ADS1212P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS1212P
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内容描述: 22位模拟数字转换器 [22-Bit ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器模数转换器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 41 页 / 807 K
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connect the two ground planes at one location as central to  
all of the converters as possible. In some cases, experimen-  
tation may be required to find the best point to connect the  
two planes together. The printed circuit board can be de-  
signed to provide different analog/digital ground connec-  
tions via short jumpers. The initial prototype can be used to  
establish which connection works best.  
The ADS1212/13 requires the digital supply (DVDD) to be  
no greater than the analog supply (AVDD) +0.3V. In the  
majority of systems, this means that the analog supply must  
come up first, followed by the digital supply. Failure to  
observe this condition could cause permanent damage to the  
Inputs to the ADS1212/13, such as SDIO, AIN, or REFIN,  
should not be present before the analog and digital supplies  
are on. Violating this condition could cause latch-up. If these  
signals are present before the supplies are on, series resistors  
should be used to limit the input current (see the Analog  
Input and VBIAS sections of this data sheet for more details  
concerning these inputs).  
Good decoupling practices should be used for the ADS1212/  
13 and for all components in the design. All decoupling  
capacitors, but specifically the 0.1µF ceramic capacitors,  
should be placed as close as possible to the pin being  
decoupled. A 1µF to 10µF capacitor, in series with a 0.1µF  
ceramic capacitor, should be used to decouple AVDD to  
AGND. At a minimum, a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor should be  
used to decouple DVDD to DGND, as well as for the digital  
supply on each digital component.  
The best scheme is to power the analog section of the design  
and AVDD of the ADS1212/13 from one +5V supply and the  
digital section (and DVDD) from a separate +5V supply. The  
analog supply should come up first. This will ensure that AIN  
and REFIN do not exceed AVDD and that the digital inputs  
are present only after AVDD has been established, and that  
The recommendations for power supplies and grounding  
will change depending on the requirements and specific  
design of the overall system. Achieving 20 bits or more of  
effective resolution is a great deal more difficult than achiev-  
ing 12 bits. In general, a system can be broken up into four  
different stages:  
they do not exceed DVDD  
The requirements for the digital supply are not as strict.  
However, high frequency noise on DVDD can capacitively  
couple into the analog portion of the ADS1212/13. This  
noise can originate from switching power supplies, very fast  
microprocessors or digital signal processors.  
Analog Processing  
Analog Portion of the ADS1212/13  
Digital Portion of the ADS1212/13  
Digital Processing  
For either supply, high frequency noise will generally be  
rejected by the digital filter except at interger multiplies of  
fMOD. Just below and above these frequencies, noise will  
alias back into the passband of the digital filter, affecting the  
conversion result.  
For the simplest system consisting of minimal analog signal  
processing (basic filtering and gain), a self-contained  
microcontroller, and one clock source, high-resolution could  
be achieved by powering all components by a common  
power supply. In addition, all components could share a  
common ground plane. Thus, there would be no distinctions  
between “analog” and “digital” power and ground. The  
layout should still include a power plane, a ground plane,  
and careful decoupling.  
If one supply must be used to power the ADS1212/13, the  
AVDD supply should be used to power DVDD. This connec-  
tion can be made via a 10resistor which, along with the  
decoupling capacitors, will provide some filtering between  
DVDD and AVDD. In some systems, a direct connection can  
be made. Experimentation may be the best way to determine  
the approprate connection between AVDD and DVDD  
In a more extreme case, the design could include: multiple  
ADS1212/13s; extensive analog signal processing; one or  
more microcontrollers, digital signal processors, or micro-  
processors; many different clock sources; and interconnec-  
tions to various other systems. High resolution will be very  
difficult to achieve for this design. The approach would be  
to break the system into a many different parts as possible.  
For example, each ADS1212/13 may have its own analog  
processing front end, its own “analog” power and ground  
(possibly shared with the analog front end), and its own  
“digital” power and ground. The converter’s “digital” power  
and ground would be separate from the power and ground  
for the system’s processors, RAM, ROM, and “glue” logic.  
The analog and digital sections of the design should be  
carefully and cleanly partitioned. Each section should have  
its own ground plane with no overlap between them. AGND  
should be connected to the analog ground plane as well as all  
other analog grounds. DGND should be connected to the  
digital ground plane and all digital signals referenced to this  
For a single converter system, AGND and DGND of the  
ADS1212/13 should be connected together, underneath the  
converter. Do not join the ground planes, but connect the  
two with a moderate signal trace. For multiple converters,  
ADS1212, 1213  