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ADS1208 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS1208
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内容描述: 2阶Δ-Σ调制器,激励霍尔元件 [2nd-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator with Excitation for Hall Elements]
文件页数/大小: 22 页 / 369 K
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Power Supplies  
Analog and digital sections of the system design must  
be carefully and cleanly partitioned. Each section  
should have its own ground plane, with no overlap  
between them. Do not join the ground planes. In-  
stead, connect the two planes with a moderate signal  
trace underneath the modulator. For multiple modu-  
lators, connect the two ground planes as close as  
possible to one central location for all of the modu-  
lators. In some cases, experimentation may be re-  
quired to find the best point to connect the two planes  
The ADS1208 has two power supplies, AVDD and  
BVDD. If there are separate analog and digital power  
supplies on the board, a good design approach is to  
have AVDD connected to the analog and BVDD to  
the digital power supply. Another possible approach  
to control noise is the use of a resistor on the power  
supply. The connection can be made between the  
ADS1208 power supply pins via a 5resistor. The  
combination of this resistor and the decoupling ca-  
pacitors between the power supply pins AVDD and  
AGND provides some filtering. The analog supply  
must be well-regulated and offer low noise. For  
designs requiring higher resolution from the  
ADS1208, power-supply rejection will be a concern.  
The digital power supply has high-frequency noise  
that can be coupled into the analog portion of the  
ADS1208. This noise can originate from switching  
Good decoupling practices must be used for the  
ADS1208 and for all components in the system  
design. All decoupling capacitors, specifically the  
0.1µF ceramic capacitors, must be placed as close as  
possible to the respective pin being decoupled. A 1µF  
and 10µF capacitor, in parallel with the 0.1µF ceramic  
capacitor, can be used to decouple AVDD to AGND.  
At least one 0.1µF ceramic capacitor must be used to  
decouple BVDD to BGND, as well as for the digital  
supply on each digital component  
power supplies,  
or DSPs.  
High-frequency noise will generally be rejected by the  
external digital filter at integer multiples of MCLK.  
Just below and above these frequencies, noise will  
alias back into the passband of the digital filter,  
affecting the conversion result. Inputs to the  
ADS1208, such as VIN+, VIN- and MCLK should not be  
present before the power supply is turned on. Viol-  
ating this condition could cause latch-up. If these  
signals are present before the supply is turned on,  
series resistors should be used to limit the input  
current. Additional user testing may be necessary in  
order to determine the appropriate connection be-  
tween the ADS1208 and different power supplies.  
It is highly recommended to place the 100nF com-  
pensation capacitor, which is connected between  
AVDD and AGND, directly at pins 3 and 6. Otherwise,  
current glitches from the internal circuitry can cause  
glitches in the supply, which again causes jitter on the  
internal clock signal. This jitter degrades the noise  
performance of the ADS1208. The input signals VIN+  
and VIN– can be routed underneath this capacitor.  