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ATMEGA2560-16AI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ATMEGA2560-16AI
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 浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第24页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ATMEGA2560-16AI的Datasheet PDF文件第32页  
11. Errata  
11.1 ATmega640 rev. B  
Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
High current consumption in sleep mode  
1. Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
With AVCC <3.6V, random conversions will be inaccurate. Typical absolute accuracy may reach 64 LSB.  
Problem Fix/Workaround  
2. High current consumption in sleep mode  
If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will  
increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction.  
Problem Fix/Workaround  
Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled.  
11.2 ATmega640 rev. A  
Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
High current consumption in sleep mode  
1. Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
With AVCC <3.6V, random conversions will be inaccurate. Typical absolute accuracy may reach 64 LSB.  
Problem Fix/Workaround  
2. High current consumption in sleep mode  
If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will  
increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction.  
Problem Fix/Workaround  
Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled.  
11.3 ATmega1280 rev. B  
High current consumption in sleep mode  
1. High current consumption in sleep mode  
If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will  
increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction.  
Problem Fix/Workaround  
Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled.  
11.4 ATmega1280 rev. A  
Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
High current consumption in sleep mode  
1. Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain  
With AVCC <3.6V, random conversions will be inaccurate. Typical absolute accuracy may reach 64 LSB.  
ATmega640/V-1280/V-1281/V-2560/V-2561/V [SUMMARY]  