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AT45DB041D-SU-SL954 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AT45DB041D-SU-SL954
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 4兆位2.5伏或2.7伏的DataFlash [4-megabit 2.5-volt or 2.7-volt DataFlash]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管异步传输模式ATM时钟
文件页数/大小: 53 页 / 1649 K
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14.2 Operation Mode Summary  
The commands described previously can be grouped into four different categories to better  
describe which commands can be executed at what times.  
Group A commands consist of:  
1. Main Memory Page Read  
2. Continuous Array Read  
3. Read Sector Protection Register  
4. Read Sector Lockdown Register  
5. Read Security Register  
Group B commands consist of:  
1. Page Erase  
2. Block Erase  
3. Sector Erase  
4. Chip Erase  
5. Main Memory Page to Buffer 1 (or 2) Transfer  
6. Main Memory Page to Buffer 1 (or 2) Compare  
7. Buffer 1 (or 2) to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase  
8. Buffer 1 (or 2) to Main Memory Page Program without Built-in Erase  
9. Main Memory Page Program through Buffer 1 (or 2)  
10. Auto Page Rewrite  
Group C commands consist of:  
1. Buffer 1 (or 2) Read  
2. Buffer 1 (or 2) Write  
3. Status Register Read  
4. Manufacturer and Device ID Read  
Group D commands consist of:  
1. Erase Sector Protection Register  
2. Program Sector Protection Register  
3. Sector Lockdown  
4. Program Security Register  
If a Group A command is in progress (not fully completed), then another command in Group A,  
B, C, or D should not be started. However, during the internally self-timed portion of Group B  
commands, any command in Group C can be executed. The Group B commands using buffer 1  
should use Group C commands using buffer 2 and vice versa. Finally, during the internally self-  
timed portion of a Group D command, only the Status Register Read command should be  