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5962-9317707QTC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9317707QTC
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 弧度。宽容高速16 KB ×9并行FIFO [Rad. Tolerant High Speed 16 Kb x 9 Parallel FIFO]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路先进先出芯片异步传输模式ATM时钟
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 2049 K
 浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第1页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第7页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号5962-9317707QTC的Datasheet PDF文件第9页  
Write Enable (W)  
A write cycle is initiated on the falling edge of this input if the Full Flag (FF) is not set.  
Data set-up and hold times must be maintained in the rise time of the leading edge of  
the Write Enable (W). Data is stored sequentially in the Ram array, regardless of any  
current read operation.  
Once half the memory is filled, and during the falling edge of the next write operation,  
the Half-Full Flag (HF) will be set to low and remain in this state until the difference  
between the write and read pointers is less than or equal to half of the total available  
memory in the device. The Half-Full Flag (HF) is then reset by the rising edge of the  
read operation.  
To prevent data overflow, the Full Flag (FF) will go low, inhibiting further write opera-  
tions. On completion of a valid read operation, the Full Flag (FF) will go high after TRFF,  
allowing a valid write to begin. When the FIFO stack is full, the internal write pointer is  
blocked from W, so that external changes to W will have no effect on the full FIFO stack.  
Read Enable (R)  
A read cycle is initiated on the falling edge of the Read Enable (R) provided that the  
Empty Flag (EF) is not set. The data is accessed on a first-in/first-out basis, not includ-  
ing any current write operations. After Read Enable (R) goes high, the Data Outputs (Q0  
- Q8) will return to a high impedance state until the next Read operation. When all the  
data in the FIFO stack has been read, the Empty Flag (EF) will go low, allowing the  
“final” read cycle, but inhibiting further read operations while the data outputs remain in  
a high impedance state. Once a valid write operation has been completed, the Empty  
Flag (EF) will go high after tWEF and a valid read may then be initiated. When the FIFO  
stack is empty, the internal read pointer is blocked from R, so that external changes to R  
will have no effect on the empty FIFO stack.  
First Load/Retransmit  
This pin is a dual-purpose input. In the Depth Expansion Mode, this pin is connected to  
ground to indicate that it is the first loaded (see Operating Modes). In the Single Device  
Mode, this pin acts as the retransmit input. The Single Device Mode is initiated by con-  
necting the Expansion In (XI) to ground.  
The M67206H can be set to retransmit data when the Retransmit Enable Control (RT)  
input is pulsed low. A retransmit operation will set the internal read point to the first loca-  
tion and will not affect the write pointer. Read Enable (R) and Write Enable (W) must be  
in the high state during retransmit. The retransmit feature is intended for use when a  
number of writes are equal to or less than the depth of the FIFO has occurred since the  
last RS cycle. The retransmit feature is not compatible with the Depth Expansion Mode  
and will affect the Half-Full Flag (HF), in accordance with the relative locations of the  
read and write pointers.  
Expansion In (XI)  
Full Flag (FF)  
The XI input is a dual-purpose pin. Expansion In (XI) is connected to GND to indicate an  
operation in the single device mode. Expansion In (XI) is connected to Expansion Out  
(XO) of the previous device in the Depth Expansion or Daisy Chain modes.  
The Full Flag (FF) will go low, inhibiting further write operations when the write pointer is  
one location less than the read pointer, indicating that the device is full. If the read  
pointer is not moved after Reset (RS), the Full Flag (FF) will go low after 16384 writes.  
Empty Flag (EF)  
The Empty Flag (EF) will go low, inhibiting further read operations when the read pointer  
is equal to the write pointer, indicating that the device is empty.  