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AAT3134 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AAT3134
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内容描述: 高效率1X / 1.5X分数电荷泵的白光LED应用 [High Efficiency 1X/1.5X Fractional Charge Pump for White LED Applications]
文件页数/大小: 13 页 / 273 K
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High Efficiency 1X/1.5X Fractional  
Charge Pump for White LED Applications  
EN/SET Timing Diagram  
ically ten times less than inductor-based DC/DC  
boost converter white LED backlight solutions. The  
AAT3134 soft-start feature prevents noise transient  
effects associated with inrush currents during start-  
up of the charge pump circuit.  
LED Selection  
The AAT3134 is specifically intended for driving  
white LEDs. However, the device design will allow  
the AAT3134 to drive most types of LEDs with for-  
ward voltage specifications ranging from 2.0V to  
4.3V. LED applications may include main and sub-  
LCD display backlighting, camera photo-flash appli-  
cations, color (RGB) LEDs, infrared (IR) diodes for  
remotes, and other loads benefiting from a controlled  
output current generated from a varying input volt-  
age. Since the D1 to D6 output current sources are  
matched with negligible voltage dependence, the  
LED brightness will be matched regardless of the  
specific LED forward voltage (VF) levels.  
Power Efficiency and Device Evaluation  
The charge pump efficiency discussion in the follow-  
ing sections only accounts for efficiency of the  
charge pump section itself. Due to the unique circuit  
architecture and design of the AAT3134, it is very dif-  
ficult to measure efficiency in terms of a percent  
value comparing input power over output power.  
Since the AAT3134 outputs are pure constant cur-  
rent sources and typically drive individual loads, it is  
difficult to measure the output voltage for a given  
output (D1 to D6) to derive an overall output power  
measurement. For any given application, white LED  
forward voltage levels can differ, yet the output drive  
current will be maintained as a constant.  
In some instances (e.g., in high luminous output  
applications such as photo flash), it may be neces-  
sary to drive high-VF type LEDs. The low dropout  
current sources in the AAT3134 make it capable of  
driving LEDs with forward voltages as high as 4.3V  
at full current from an input supply as low as 3.0V.  
Outputs can be paralleled to drive high-current LEDs  
without complication.  
This makes quantifying output power a difficult task  
when taken in the context of comparing to other white  
LED driver circuit topologies. A better way to quantify  
total device efficiency is to observe the total input  
power to the device for a given LED current drive  
level. The best white LED driver for a given applica-  
tion should be based on trade-offs of size, external  
components count, reliability, operating range, and  
total energy usage...not just % efficiency.  
Device Switching Noise Performance  
The AAT3134 operates at a fixed frequency of  
approximately 1MHz to control noise and limit har-  
monics that can interfere with the RF operation of  
cellular telephone handsets or other communication  
devices. Back-injected noise appearing on the input  
pin of the charge pump is 20mV peak-to-peak, typ-  