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AAT2550_08 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AAT2550_08
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内容描述: 用于便携式应用的总电源解决方案 [Total Power Solution for Portable Applications]
分类和应用: 便携式
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 777 K
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Total Power Solution for Portable Applications  
charge control will enter into thermal regulation. When  
the system thermal regulation becomes active, the pro-  
grammed constant current charge amplitude will auto-  
matically decrease to a safe level for the present operat-  
ing conditions. If the ambient temperature drops to a  
level sufficient to allow the device to come out of thermal  
regulation, then the system will automatically resume  
charging at the full programmed constant current level.  
This intelligent thermal management system permits the  
battery charger to operate and charge a battery cell  
safely over a wide range of ambient conditions, while  
maximizing the greatest possible charge current and  
minimizing the battery charge time for a given set of  
Charging Operation  
As shown in Figure 1, there are three basic phases for  
the battery charge cycle:  
1. Pre-conditioning / trickle charge  
2. Constant current / fast charge  
3. Constant voltage charge  
Battery Preconditioning  
Before the start of charging, the charger checks several  
conditions in order to assure a safe charging environ-  
ment. The input supply must be above the minimum  
operating voltage, or under-voltage lockout threshold  
(VUVLO), for the charging sequence to begin. Also, the  
battery temperature, as reported by a thermistor con-  
nected to the TS pin from the battery, must be within the  
proper window for safe charging. When these conditions  
have been met and a battery is connected to the BAT  
pin, the charger checks the state of the battery. If the  
battery voltage is below the preconditioning voltage  
threshold (VMIN), then the charge control begins precon-  
ditioning the battery. The preconditioning trickle charge  
current is equal to the fast charge constant current  
divided by 10. For example, if the programmed fast  
charge current is 1A, then the preconditioning mode  
(trickle charge) current will be 100mA. Battery precon-  
ditioning is a safety precaution for deeply discharged  
batteries and also helps to limit power dissipation in the  
pass transistor when the voltage across the device is at  
the greatest potential.  
Status monitor output pins are provided to indicate the  
battery charge state by directly driving two external  
LEDs. A serial interface output is also available to report  
any one of 12 distinct charge states to the host system  
microcontroller / microprocessor. Battery temperature  
and charge state are fully monitored for fault conditions.  
In the event of an over-voltage or over-temperature  
condition, the device will automatically shut down, pro-  
tecting the charging device, control system, and the bat-  
tery under charge. In addition to internal charge control-  
ler thermal protection, the charger also offers a tem-  
perature sense feedback function (TS pin) from the  
battery to shut down the device in the event the battery  
exceeds its own thermal limit during charging. All fault  
events are reported to the user either by simple status  
LEDs or via the DATA pin function.  
Trickle Charge  
Constant Current  
Charge Phase  
Constant Voltage  
Charge Phase  
Charge Complete Voltage  
Regulated Current  
I = Max CC  
Constant Current Mode  
Voltage Threshold  
Trickle Charge and  
Termination Threshold  
I = CC / 10  
Figure 1: Typical Charge Profile.  
w w w . a n a l o g i c t e c h . c o m  