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AAT2550 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AAT2550
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内容描述: 用于便携式应用的总电源解决方案 [Total Power Solution for Portable Applications]
分类和应用: 便携式
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 902 K
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Total Power Solution for Portable Applications  
goes into a sleep state. The charger will remain in a  
sleep state until the battery voltage decreases to a  
Battery Preconditioning  
Before the start of charging, the charger checks sev-  
eral conditions in order to assure a safe charging  
environment. The input supply must be above the  
minimum operating voltage, or under-voltage lock-  
out threshold (VUVLO), for the charging sequence to  
begin. Also, the battery temperature, as reported by  
a thermistor connected to the TS pin from the bat-  
tery, must be within the proper window for safe  
charging. When these conditions have been met  
and a battery is connected to the BAT pin, the charg-  
er checks the state of the battery. If the battery volt-  
age is below the preconditioning voltage threshold  
(VMIN), then the charge control begins precondition-  
ing the battery. The preconditioning trickle charge  
current is equal to the fast charge constant current  
divided by 10. For example, if the programmed fast  
charge current is 1A, then the preconditioning mode  
(trickle charge) current will be 100mA. Battery pre-  
conditioning is a safety precaution for deeply dis-  
charged batteries and also helps to limit power dis-  
sipation in the pass transistor when the voltage  
across the device is at the greatest potential.  
level below the battery recharge voltage threshold  
(VRCH). When the input supply is disconnected, the  
charger will automatically transition into a power-  
saving sleep mode. Consuming only an ultra-low  
0.3µA in sleep mode, the charger minimizes battery  
drain when it is not charging. This feature is particu-  
larly useful in applications where the input supply  
level may fall below the battery charge or under-volt-  
age lockout level. In such cases where the input volt-  
age drops, the device will enter sleep mode and  
resume charging automatically once the input sup-  
ply has recovered from the fault condition.  
Step-Down Converters  
The AAT2550 offers two high-performance,  
600mA, 1.4MHz step-down converters. Both con-  
verters minimize external component size and opti-  
mize efficiency over the entire load range. The  
fixed output version requires only three external  
power components (CIN, COUT, and L) for each con-  
verter. The adjustable version is programmed with  
external feedback resistors to any voltage ranging  
from 0.6V to the input voltage. At dropout, the con-  
verter duty cycle increases to 100% and the output  
voltage tracks the input voltage minus the RDS(ON)  
drop of the P-channel MOSFET.  
Fast Charge/Constant Current Charging  
Battery preconditioning continues until the voltage on  
the BAT pin exceeds the preconditioning voltage  
threshold (VMIN). At this point, the charger begins the  
constant current fast charging phase. The fast charge  
constant current (ICH) amplitude is programmed by  
the user via the RSET resistor. The charger remains in  
the constant current charge mode until the battery  
Input voltage range is 2.7V to 5.5V and each convert-  
er's efficiency has been optimized for all load condi-  
tions, ranging from no load to 600mA. The internal  
error amplifier and compensation provides excellent  
transient response, load regulation, and line regula-  
tion. Soft start eliminates output voltage overshoot  
when the enable or the input voltage is applied.  
reaches the voltage regulation threshold, VBAT_EOC  
Constant Voltage Charging  
The system transitions to a constant voltage charging  
mode when the battery voltage reaches the output  
charge regulation threshold (VBAT_EOC) during the con-  
stant current fast charge phase. The regulation voltage  
level is factory programmed to 4.2V (±1%). The charge  
current in the constant voltage mode drops as the bat-  
tery under charge reaches its maximum capacity.  
Soft Start / Enable  
The internal soft start limits the inrush current dur-  
ing start-up. This prevents possible sagging of the  
input voltage and eliminates output voltage over-  
shoot. Typical start-up time for a 4.7µF output  
capacitor and load current of 600mA is 100µs.  
The AAT2550 offers independent enable pins for  
each converter. When connected to logic low, the  
enable input forces the respective step-down con-  
verter into a low-power, non-switching, shutdown  
state. The total input current during shutdown is  
less than 1µA for each channel.  
End of Charge Cycle Termination and  
Recharge Sequence  
When the charge current drops to 7.5% of the pro-  
grammed fast charge current level in the constant  
voltage mode, the device terminates charging and  