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AAT1218IWP-1.2-T1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AAT1218IWP-1.2-T1
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内容描述: 1A , 1.2MHz的同步升压转换器 [1A, 1.2MHz Synchronous Boost Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器升压转换器
文件页数/大小: 15 页 / 1749 K
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1A, 1.2MHz Synchronous Boost Converter  
Integrated Soft-Start  
Application Information  
During start-up, the AAT1218's integrated soft-start cir-  
cuitry gradually increases the peak inductor current until  
it reaches normal operating value. The inrush current  
during start-up can thus be minimized.  
Setting the Output Voltage  
An external resistor divider is used to set the output volt-  
age. The output voltage of the switching regulator (VOUT  
is determined by the following equation:  
Current Mode PWM Control  
The AAT1218 is based on a slope compensated current  
mode control topology. It operates at a fixed frequency  
of 1.2MHz. At the beginning of each clock cycle, the main  
switch (NMOS) is turned on and the inductor current  
starts to ramp up. After the maximum duty cycle or if the  
sense current signal is equal to the error amplifier (EA)  
output, the main switch is turned off and the synchro-  
nous switch (PMOS) is turned on. This control scheme  
has intrinsic cycle-by-cycle current limiting, which can  
prevent the main switch from overstress and prevent  
saturation of the external inductor.  
VOUT = 1.20V · 1 +  
R1 (Ω)  
R2 (Ω)  
Table 1: Resistor Selection Example for Output  
Voltage Setting.  
Fixed output voltage devices are also available for 3.3V  
and 5V outputs. These devices integrate the feedback  
network into the die and can save two external resistors.  
Do not connect any component to the FB pin and leave  
it floating.  
Power Saving Mode  
At very light load, the AAT1218 automatically switches  
into Power Saving Mode to improve efficiency. In this  
mode, the PWM control will skip some pulses to maintain  
regulation. If load increases and output voltage drops,  
the device will automatically switch back to regular PWM  
mode and maintain regulation.  
Inductor Selection  
The AAT1218's high switching frequency of 1.2MHz  
allows for small surface mount inductors. For most  
designs, the AAT1218 operates with inductors of 2.2μH  
to 10μH depending on input/output voltage and load cur-  
Anti-ringing Control  
rent. First determine the worst case VIN, VOUT, and IOUT  
Anti-ringing circuitry is included to remove the high fre-  
quency ringing that appears on the LX pin when the  
inductor current decreases to zero. In this case, ringing  
on the LX pin is caused by energy stored in parasitics of  
the MOSFETs and the inductor. The anti-ringing circuitry  
clamps the voltage to battery voltage internally and thus  
dampens the ringing.  
Then use the equation below to select the proper induc-  
tor value; assume the converter is operating in continu-  
ous current mode and is in steady state:  
D = 1 -  
Device Enable  
When EN is set logic high, the AAT1218 begins operation.  
If EN is set logic low, the device is goes into shutdown  
mode and consumes less than 1μA current. After start-  
up, the internal circuitry is supplied by VOUT during normal  
operation. However, if shutdown mode is enabled, the  
internal circuitry will again be supplied by the battery.  
VIN · D  
L · fSW  
ΔI =  
η is the converter efficiency, IPEAK is the peak inductor  
current, ΔI is the peak-peak inductor ripple current, IRMS  
is the RMS current of the inductor current. fsw is the  
switching frequency, L is the inductance value and D is  
the steady state duty cycle.  
w w w . a n a l o g i c t e c h . c o m  