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AM186ER-50KCW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM186ER-50KCW
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内容描述: 高性能, 80C186-和80C188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器与内存 [High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers with RAM]
分类和应用: 微控制器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 112 页 / 2732 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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system form factor, decreased system power, stable  
RAM supply, and lower system cost compared with  
buying external SRAM. The integrated RAM also en-  
sures that an entire embedded system will not require  
requalification based on the short life cycles of external  
SRAM. Additionally, for those systems using more  
RAM than required because of the granularity of exter-  
nal RAM, the Am186ER microcontroller provides a  
closer system match.  
The Am186ER and Am188ER microcontrollers are  
higher-performance, highly integrated versions of the  
80C186/80C188 microprocessors, offering a migration  
path that was previously unavailable. New peripherals,  
on-chip system interface logic, and 32 Kbyte of internal  
memory on the Am186ER microcontroller reduce the  
cost of existing 80C186/80C188 designs. Upgrading to  
the Am186ER microcontroller is an attractive solution  
for several reasons:  
Clock Generation  
The integrated clock generation circuitry of the  
Am186ER and Am188ER microcontrollers enables the  
processors to operate at up to four times the crystal fre-  
quency. The design in Figure 1 achieves 50-MHz CPU  
operation while using a 12.5-MHz crystal. The clocking  
frequency function is controlled by an internal PLL. The  
following modes are available (see Figure 10 on page  
n Integrated SRAM—32 Kbyte of internal SRAM en-  
sures a low-cost supply of memory and a smaller  
form factor for system designs. The internal mem-  
ory provides the same performance as external  
zero-wait-state SRAM devices.  
n 3.3-V operation with 5-V-tolerant I/O—3.3-V oper-  
ation provides much lower power consumption  
when compared to existing 5-V designs. Plus, the  
Am186ER and Am188ER controllers accommodate  
current 5-V designs with 5-V-tolerant I/O drivers.  
n Divide by Two—The frequency of the fundamental  
clock is half the frequency of the crystal with the PLL  
n x86 software compatibility—80C186/80C188-  
compatible and upward-compatible with the other  
members of the AMD E86 family.  
n Times One—The frequency of the fundamental  
clock will be the same as the external crystal with  
the PLL enabled.  
n Enhanced performance—The Am186ER and  
Am188ER microcontrollers increase the perfor-  
mance of 80C186/80C188 systems, and the non-  
multiplexed address bus offers faster, unbuffered  
access to commodity-speed, external memory.  
n Times Four—The frequency of the fundamental  
clock is four times the frequency of the crystal with  
the PLL enabled.  
The default mode is Times Four.  
n Enhanced  
Memory Interface  
peripherals include an asynchronous serial port, up  
to 32 PIOs, a hardware watchdog timer, an  
additional interrupt pin, a synchronous serial  
interface, a PSRAM controller, a 16-bit reset  
configuration register, and enhanced chip-select  
The integrated memory controller logic of the  
Am186ER and Am188ER microcontrollers provides a  
direct address bus to memory devices. Using an exter-  
nal address latch controlled by the address latch en-  
able (ALE) signal is no longer necessary. Individual  
byte-write-enable signals on the Am186ER and  
Am188ER microcontrollers eliminate the need for ex-  
ternal high/low byte-write-enable circuitry. The maxi-  
mum bank size programmable for the memory chip-  
select signals is increased to facilitate the use of high-  
density memory devices.  
Application Considerations  
The integration enhancements of the Am186ER micro-  
controller provide a high-performance, low-system-  
cost solution for 16-bit embedded microcontroller de-  
signs. Both multiplexed and nonmultiplexed address  
buses are available on the Am186ER and Am188ER  
microcontrollers. The nonmultiplexed address bus  
eliminates system-support logic ordinarily needed to  
interface with external memory devices, while the mul-  
tiplexed address/data bus maintains the value of previ-  
ously engineered, customer-specific peripherals and  
circuits within the upgraded design. Figure 1 on page  
15 illustrates an example system design that uses the  
integrated peripheral set to achieve high performance  
with reduced system cost.  
The improved memory timing specifications for the  
Am186ER and Am188ER microcontrollers facilitate the  
use of external memory devices with 55-ns access  
times at 50-MHz CPU operation. As a result, overall  
system cost is significantly reduced as system design-  
ers are able to use commonly available memory tech-  
Internal Memory  
The 32-Kbyte internal RAM fulfills the memory require-  
ments for many embedded systems. These systems  
can take advantage of the increased reliability, smaller  
Am186TMER and Am188TMER Microcontrollers Data Sheet  