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AM186ES-40KI/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM186ES-40KI/W
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 高性能, 80C186- / 80C188兼容和80L186- / 80L188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器 [High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 1514 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
 浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第38页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第39页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第40页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第41页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第43页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第44页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第45页浏览型号AM186ES-40KI/W的Datasheet PDF文件第46页  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  
Table 6. Programming Am186ES Microcontroller  
Bus Width  
when PSRAM mode and the refresh control unit are  
enabled. No refresh address is required by the PSRAM  
when using the auto refresh mechanism. The RFSH  
signal is multiplexed with the MCS3 signal pin. When  
PSRAM mode is enabled, MCS3 is not available for  
use as a chip-select signal.  
16 bits  
The refresh control unit must be programmed before  
accessing PSRAM in LCS space. The refresh counter  
in the clock prescaler (CDRAM) register must be con-  
figured with the required refresh interval value. The  
ending address of LCS space and the ready and wait-  
state generation in the LMCS register must also be pro-  
grammed. The refresh counter reload value in the  
CDRAM register should not be set to less than 18 (12h)  
in order to provide time for processor cycles within re-  
fresh. The refresh address counter must be set to  
000000h to prevent another chip select from asserting.  
16 bits default  
8 bits  
16 bits default  
8 bits  
16 bits default  
8 bits  
Byte-Write Enables  
LCS is held High during a refresh cycle. The A bus is  
not used during refresh cycles. The LMCS register  
must be configured to external ready ignored (R2=1)  
with one wait state (R1–R0=01b), and the PSRAM  
mode enable bit (PSE) must be set to 1.  
The Am186ES microcontroller provides the WHB  
(Write High Byte) and WLB (Write Low Byte) signals,  
which act as byte-write enables.  
WHB is the logical OR of BHE and WR. WHB is Low  
when BHE and WR are both Low. WLB is the logical  
OR of A0 and WR. WLB is Low when A0 and WR are  
both Low. WB is Low whenever a byte is written on the  
Am188ES microcontroller.  
The integrated peripherals of the Am186ES and  
Am188ES microcontrollers are controlled by 16-bit  
read/write registers. The peripheral registers are con-  
tained within an internal 256-byte control block. The  
registers are physically located in the peripheral de-  
vices they control, but they are addressed as a single  
256-byte block. Table 7 shows a map of these regis-  
On the Am188ES microcontroller, the WB (Write Byte)  
pin indicates a write to the bus. WB uses the same  
early timing as the nonmulitplexed address bus. WB is  
associated with AD7–-AD0. This pin floats during reset.  
The byte-write enables are driven in conjunction with  
the nonmultiplexed address bus as required for the  
write timing requirements of common SRAMs.  
Reading and Writing the PCB  
Code that is intended to execute on the Am188ES mi-  
crocontroller should perform all writes to the PCB reg-  
isters as byte writes. These writes transfer 16 bits of  
data to the PCB register even if an 8-bit register is  
named in the instruction. For example, out dx, al results  
in the value of ax being written to the port address in dx.  
Reads to the PCB should be done as word reads. Code  
written in this manner runs correctly on the Am188ES  
microcontroller and on the Am186ES microcontroller.  
Pseudo Static RAM (PSRAM) Support  
The Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers support  
the use of PSRAM devices in low memory chip-select  
(LCS) space only. When PSRAM mode is enabled, the  
timing for the LCS signal is modified by the chip-select  
control unit to provide a CS precharge period during  
PSRAM accesses. The 40-MHz timing of the  
Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers is appropri-  
ate to allow 70-ns PSRAM to run with one wait state.  
PSRAM mode is enabled through a bit in the Low Mem-  
ory Chip-Select (LMCS) register. The PSRAM feature  
is disabled on CPU reset.  
Unaligned reads and writes to the PCB result in unpre-  
dictable behavior on both the Am186ES and Am188ES  
For a complete description of all the registers in the  
PCB, see the Am186ES and Am188ES Microcontrol-  
lers User’s Manual, order# 21096.  
In addition to the LCS timing changes for PSRAM pre-  
charge, the PSRAM devices also require periodic re-  
fresh of all internal row addresses to retain their data.  
Although refresh of PSRAM can be accomplished sev-  
eral ways, the Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrol-  
lers implement auto refresh only.  
The Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers gener-  
ate a refresh signal, RFSH, to the PSRAM devices  
Am186/188ES and Am186/188ESLV Microcontrollers  