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AM186ES-40KI/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM186ES-40KI/W
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 高性能, 80C186- / 80C188兼容和80L186- / 80L188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器 [High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 1514 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
During a power-on reset, the address and data bus  
Pins That Are Used by Emulators  
pins (AD15–AD0 for the 186, AO15–AO8 and AD7–  
AD0 for the 188) can also be used to load system  
configuration information into the internal reset  
configuration register.  
The following pins are used by emulators: A19–A0,  
AO15–AO8, AD7–AD0, ALE, BHE/ADEN (on the 186),  
CLKOUTA, RFSH2/ADEN (on the 188), RD, S2–S0,  
AO15–AO8—When the address bus is enabled on the  
Am188ES microcontroller, via the AD bit in the UMCS  
and LMCS registers, the address-only bus (AO15–  
AO8) contains valid high-order address bits from bus  
cycles t1–t4. These outputs are floated during a bus  
hold or reset.  
Emulators require S6/LOCK/CLKDIV2 and UZI to be  
configured in their normal functionality as S6 and UZI,  
not as PIOs. If BHE/ADEN (on the 186) or RFSH2/  
ADEN (on the 188) is held Low during the rising edge  
of RES, S6 and UZI are configured in their normal  
On the Am188ES microcontroller, AO15–AO8  
combine with AD7–AD0 to form a complete multiplexed  
address bus while AD7–AD0 is the 8-bit data bus.  
Pin Terminology  
The following terms are used to describe the pins:  
Input—An input-only pin.  
Output—An output-only pin.  
Address and Data Bus (input/output, three-state,  
synchronous, level-sensitive)  
Input/Output—A pin that can be either input or output.  
These time-multiplexed pins supply partial memory or  
I/O addresses, as well as data, to the system. This bus  
supplies the low-order 8 bits of an address to the  
system during the first period of a bus cycle (t1), and it  
supplies data to the system during the remaining  
periods of that cycle (t2, t3, and t4). In 8-bit mode on the  
Am188ES microcontroller, AD7–AD0 supplies the  
Synchronous—Synchronous inputs must meet setup  
and hold times in relation to CLKOUTA. Synchronous  
outputs are synchronous to CLKOUTA.  
AsynchronousInputs or outputs that are  
asynchronous to CLKOUTA.  
(A19/PIO9, A18/PIO8, A17/PIO7)  
The address phase of these pins can be disabled. See  
the ADEN description with the BHE/ADEN pin. When  
WLB is deasserted, these pins are three-stated during  
t2, t3, and t4.  
Address Bus (output, three-state, synchronous)  
These pins supply nonmultiplexed memory or I/O  
addresses to the system one half of a CLKOUTA  
period earlier than the multiplexed address and data  
bus (AD15–AD0 on the 186 or AO15–AO8 and AD7–  
AD0 on the 188). During a bus hold or reset condition,  
the address bus is in a high-impedance state.  
During a bus hold or reset condition, the address and  
data bus is in a high-impedance state.  
During a power-on reset, the address and data bus  
pins (AD15–AD0 for the 186, AO15–AO8 and AD7–  
AD0 for the 188) can also be used to load system  
configuration information into the internal reset  
configuration register.  
AD15–AD8 (Am186ES Microcontroller)  
AO15–AO8 (Am188ES Microcontroller)  
Address and Data Bus (input/output, three-state,  
synchronous, level-sensitive)  
Address-Only Bus (output, three-state,  
synchronous, level-sensitive)  
Address Latch Enable (output, synchronous)  
This pin indicates to the system that an address ap-  
pears on the address and data bus (AD15–AD0 for the  
186 or AO15–AO8 and AD7–AD0 for the 188). The ad-  
dress is guaranteed to be valid on the trailing edge of  
ALE. This pin is three-stated during ONCE mode. This  
pin is not three-stated during a bus hold or reset.  
AD15–AD8—On the Am186ES microcontroller, these  
time-multiplexed pins supply memory or I/O addresses  
and data to the system. This bus can supply an  
address to the system during the first period of a bus  
cycle (t1). It supplies data to the system during the  
remaining periods of that cycle (t2, t3, and t4).  
The address phase of these pins can be disabled. See  
the ADEN description with the BHE/ADEN pin. When  
WHB is deasserted, these pins are three-stated during  
t2, t3, and t4.  
Asynchronous Ready (input, asynchronous,  
This pin is a true asynchronous ready that indicates to  
the microcontroller that the addressed memory space  
or I/O device will complete a data transfer. The ARDY  
During a bus hold or reset condition, the address and  
data bus is in a high-impedance state.  
Am186/188ES and Am186/188ESLV Microcontrollers  