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A160CT12VF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A160CT12VF
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内容描述: 16兆位(2M ×8位/ 1的M× 16位) CMOS 1.8伏只超低电压闪存 [16 Megabit (2 M x 8-Bit/1 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 1.8 Volt-only Super Low Voltage Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 52 页 / 1031 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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D A T A S H E E T  
The primary method requires VID on the RESET# pin  
using the method described in “Sector/Sector Block  
Protection and Unprotection” on page 15. The two out-  
ermost 8 Kbyte boot sectors are the two sectors  
containing the lowest addresses in a bottom-boot-con-  
figured device, or the two sectors containing the  
highest addresses in a top-boot-configured device.  
only, and is implemented either in-system or via pro-  
gramming equipment. Figure 1, on page 17 shows the  
algorithms and Figure 24, on page 43 shows the timing  
diagram. This method uses standard microprocessor  
bus cycle timing. For sector unprotect, all unprotected  
sectors must first be protected prior to the first sector  
unprotect write cycle.  
If the system asserts VIH on the WP#/ACC pin, the  
device reverts to whether the two outermost 8 Kbyte  
boot sectors were last set to be protected or unpro-  
tected. That is, sector protection or unprotection for  
these two sectors depends on whether they were last  
protected or unprotected using the method described  
in “Sector/Sector Block Protection and Unprotection”  
on page 15.  
The alternate method intended only for programming  
equipment requires VID on address pin A9 and OE#.  
This method is compatible with programmer routines  
written for earlier 3.0 volt-only AMD flash devices. Pub-  
lication number 21622 contains further details. Contact  
an AMD representative to request the document con-  
taining further details.  
Note that if the system asserts VHH on the WP#/ACC  
pin, all sectors, including the two outermost sectors,  
are unprotected. VHH is intended for accelerated in-  
system programming of the device during system pro-  
duction. It is advisable, therefore, not to assert VHH on  
this pin after the system has been placed in the field for  
use. If faster programming is desired, the system may  
use the unlock bypass program command sequence.  
The device is shipped with all sectors unprotected.  
AMD offers the option of programming and protecting  
sectors at its factory prior to shipping the device  
through AMD’s ExpressFlash™ Service. Contact an  
AMD representative for details.  
It is possible to determine whether a sector is protected  
or unprotected. See “Autoselect Mode” on page 14 for  
Temporary Sector Unprotect  
This feature allows temporary unprotection of previ-  
ously protected sectors to change data in-system. The  
Sector Unprotect mode is activated by setting the  
RESET# pin to VID. During this mode, formerly pro-  
tected sectors can be programmed or erased by  
selecting the sector addresses. Once VID is removed  
from the RESET# pin, all the previously protected  
sectors are protected again. Figure 2, on page 18  
shows the algorithm, and Figure 22, on page 42 shows  
the timing diagrams, for this feature.  
Write Protect (WP#)  
The write protect function provides a hardware method  
of protecting certain boot sectors without using VID.  
This function is one of two provided by the WP#/ACC  
If the system asserts VIL on the WP#/ACC pin, the  
device disables program and erase functions in the two  
“outermost” 8 Kbyte boot sectors independently of  
whether those sectors were protected or unprotected  
21635C5 January 23, 2007  