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S5335QF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QF
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
or FIFO interfaces. The exact conditions which gener-  
ate an interrupt are discussed in the mailbox and FIFO  
chapters. The interrupt output is deasserted when  
acknowledged by an access to the Add-On Interrupt  
Control/Status Register (AINT). All interrupt sources  
are cleared by writing a one to the corresponding inter-  
rupt bit.  
This chapter describes the Add-On bus interface for  
the S5335. The S5335 is designed to support connec-  
tion to a variety of microprocessor buses and/or  
peripheral devices. The Add-On interface controls  
S5335 operation through the Add-On Operation Reg-  
isters. These registers act as the Pass-Thru, FIFO,  
non-volatile memory and mailbox interfaces as well as  
offering control and status information.  
The MODE input on the Add-On interface configures  
the datapath width for the Add-On interface. MODE  
low indicates a 32-bit data bus. MODE high indicates a  
16-bit data bus. For 16-bit operation, BE3# is rede-  
fined as ADR1, providing an extra address input.  
ADR1 selects the low or high words of the 32-bit  
S5335 Add-On Operation Registers.  
Depending on the register being accessed, the inter-  
face may be synchronous or asynchronous. To  
enhance performance and simplify Add-On logic  
design, some registers allow direct access with a sin-  
gle device input pin. Asynchronous burst read and  
write FIFO operations are not recommended. The fol-  
lowing sections describe the various interfaces to the  
PCI bus and how they are accessed from the Add-On  
Register Access Signals  
Simple register accesses to the S5335 Add-On Opera-  
tion Registers take two forms: synchronous to BPCLK  
and asynchronous. The following signals are required  
to complete a register access to the S5335.  
BE[3:0]# Byte Enable Inputs. These S5335 inputs  
identify valid byte lanes during Add-On transac-  
tions. When MODE is set for 16-bit operation,  
BE2# is not defined and BE3# becomes ADR1.  
The S5335 Add-On bus interface is very similar to that  
of a memory or peripheral device found in a micropro-  
cessor-based system. A 32-bit data bus with individual  
read and write strobes, a chip enable and byte  
enables are provided. Other Add-On interface signals  
are provided to simplify Add-On logic design.  
ADR[6:2] Address Inputs. These address pins identify  
the specific Add-On Operation Register being  
accessed. When configured for 16-bit operation  
(MODE=1), an additional input, ADR1 is available  
to allow the 32-bit operation registers to be  
accessed with two 16-bit cycles.  
Accesses to the S5335 registers are done primarily  
synchronously to BPCLK. For S5335 functions that  
are compatible with an Add-On microprocessor inter-  
face, it is helpful to allow an asynchronous interface,  
as the processor may not operate at the PCI bus clock  
RD# Read Strobe Input.  
WR# Write Strobe Input.  
SELECT# Chip Select Input. This input identifies a  
valid S5335 access.  
Add-On Interface Signals  
DQ[31:0] Bidirectional Data Bus. These I/O pins are  
the S5335 data bus. When configured for 16-bit  
operation, only DQ[15:0] are valid.  
The Add-On interface provides a small number of sys-  
tem signals to allow the Add-On to monitor PCI bus  
activity, indicate status conditions (interrupts), and  
allow Add-On bus configuration. A standard bus inter-  
face is provided for Add-On Operation Register  
In addition, there are dedicated signals for FIFO  
accesses (RDFIFO# and WRFIFO#) and Pass-Thru  
address accesses (PTADR#). These are discussed  
separately in the FIFO and Pass-Thru sections of this  
System Signals  
BPCLK and SYSRST# allow the Add-On interface to  
monitor the PCI bus status. BPCLK is a buffered ver-  
sion of the PCI clock. The PCI clock can operate from  
0 MHz to 33 MHz. SYSRST# is a buffered version of  
the PCI reset signal, and may also be toggled by host  
application software through bit 24 of the Bus Master  
Control/Status Register (MCSR).  
The internal interfaces of the S5335 allow Add-On  
Operation Registers to be accessed asynchronous to  
BPCLK (synchronous to the rising edge of the read or  
write strobe). The exception to this is the Add-On Gen-  
eral Control/Status Register. This is due to the async  
nature of FIFO status bits changing as the PCI bus  
reads data. For Pass-Thru operations, the Pass-Thru  
Data Register accesses are synchronous to BPCLK to  
IRQ# is the Add-On interrupt output. This signal is  
active low and can indicate a number of conditions.  
Add-On interrupts may be generated from the mailbox  
AMCC Confidential and Proprietary  
DS1657 107  