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EP1SGX40GF1020I6 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP1SGX40GF1020I6
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Field Programmable Gate Array, 4697 CLBs, 41250-Cell, CMOS, PBGA1020, 33 X 33 MM, 1 MM PITCH, FBGA-1020]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑
文件页数/大小: 272 页 / 1348 K
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5. Configuration & Testing  
Stratix® GX devices feature the SignalTap® embedded logic analyzer,  
which monitors design operation over a period of time through the  
IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) circuitry. You can analyze internal logic at speed  
without bringing internal signals to the I/O pins. This feature is  
particularly important for advanced packages, such as FineLine BGA®  
packages, because it can be difficult to add a connection to a pin during  
the debugging process after a board is designed and manufactured.  
Embedded Logic  
The logic, circuitry, and interconnects in the Stratix GX architecture are  
configured with CMOS SRAM elements. Stratix GX devices are  
reconfigurable and are 100% tested prior to shipment. As a result, you do  
not have to generate test vectors for fault coverage purposes, and can  
instead focus on simulation and design verification. In addition, you do  
not need to manage inventories of different ASIC designs. Stratix GX  
devices can be configured on the board for the specific functionality  
Stratix GX devices are configured at system power-up with data stored in  
an Altera serial configuration device or provided by a system controller.  
Altera offers in-system programmability (ISP)-capable configuration  
devices that configure Stratix GX devices via a serial data stream.  
Stratix GX devices can be configured in under 100 ms using 8-bit parallel  
data at 100 MHz. The Stratix GX device’s optimized interface allows  
microprocessors to configure it serially or in parallel, and synchronously  
or asynchronously. The interface also enables microprocessors to treat  
Stratix GX devices as memory and configure them by writing to a virtual  
memory location, making reconfiguration easy. After a Stratix GX device  
has been configured, it can be reconfigured in-circuit by resetting the  
device and loading new data. Real-time changes can be made during  
system operation, enabling innovative reconfigurable computing  
Operating Modes  
The Stratix GX architecture uses SRAM configuration elements that  
require configuration data to be loaded each time the circuit powers up.  
The process of physically loading the SRAM data into the device is called  
configuration. During initialization, which occurs immediately after  
configuration, the device resets registers, enables I/O pins, and begins to  
operate as a logic device. The I/O pins are tri-stated during power up,  
Altera Corporation  
February 2005  