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CLK10_4N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CLK10_4N
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内容描述: 的Cyclone III器件手册 [Cyclone III Device Handbook]
文件页数/大小: 274 页 / 7302 K
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Chapter 9: Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in the Cyclone III Device Family  
Configuration Features  
Figure 9–18 shows PS configuration for Cyclone III device family using a download  
Figure 9–18. PS Configuration Using a USB-Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II,  
ByteBlasterMV, or Ethernet Blaster Cable  
10 kΩ  
VCCA (1)  
VCCA (1)  
VCCA (1)  
VCCA (1)  
Cyclone III Device Family  
MSEL[3..0] (5)  
Download Cable 10-Pin Male  
Header (Top View)  
nCEO N.C. (4)  
Pin 1  
VCCA (6)  
VIO (3)  
Notes to Figure 9–18:  
(1) The pull-up resistor must be connected to the same supply voltage as the VCCA supply.  
(2) You only need the pull-up resistors on DATA[0]and DCLKif the download cable is the only configuration scheme  
used on your board. This is to ensure that DATA[0]and DCLKare not left floating after configuration. For example,  
if you are also using a configuration device, you do not need the pull-up resistors on DATA[0]and DCLK  
(3) Pin 6 of the header is a VIO reference voltage for the MasterBlaster output driver. VIO must match the VCCA of the  
device. For this value, refer to the MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide. For the USB Blaster,  
ByteBlaster II, ByteBlaster MV, and Ethernet Blaster, this pin is a no connect.  
(4) The nCEOpin is left unconnected or used as a user I/O pin when it does not feed the nCEpin of another device.  
(5) The MSEL pin settings vary for different configuration voltage standards and POR time. To connect MSEL[3..0]  
refer to Table 9–7 on page 9–11 for PS configuration schemes. Connect the MSEL pins directly to VCCA or GND.  
(6) Power up the VCC of the ByteBlaster II, USB-Blaster, or ByteBlasterMV cable with a 2.5- V supply from VCCA  
Third-party programmers must switch to 2.5 V. Pin 4 of the header is a VCC power supply for the MasterBlaster cable.  
The MasterBlaster cable can receive power from either 5.0- or 3.3-V circuit boards, DC power supply, or 5.0 V from  
the USB cable. For this value, refer to the MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide.  
You can use a download cable to configure multiple Cyclone III device family by  
connecting the nCEOpin of each device to the nCEpin of the subsequent device. The  
nCEpin of the first device is connected to GND while its nCEOpin is connected to the  
nCEpin of the next device in the chain. The nCEinput of the last device comes from the  
previous device while its nCEOpin is left floating. All other configuration pins,  
nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA[0], and CONF_DONEare connected to every device in the  
chain. Because all CONF_DONEpins are tied together, all devices in the chain initialize  
and enter user mode at the same time.  
In addition, the entire chain halts configuration if any device detects an error because  
the nSTATUSpins are tied together. The Auto-restart configuration after error option  
does not affect the configuration cycle because you must manually restart  
configuration in the Quartus II software when an error occurs.  
August 2012 Altera Corporation  
Cyclone III Device Handbook  
Volume 1  