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5M80ZM64A4N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5M80ZM64A4N
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内容描述: MAX V器件手册 [MAX V Device Handbook]
文件页数/大小: 166 页 / 4016 K
 浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第115页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第116页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第117页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第118页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第120页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第121页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第122页浏览型号5M80ZM64A4N的Datasheet PDF文件第123页  
Chapter 7: User Flash Memory in MAX V Devices  
Software Support for UFM Block  
Acknowledged data transfer is a requirement of I2C. The master must generate a clock  
pulse to signify the acknowledge bit. The transmitter releases the SDA line (high)  
during the acknowledge clock pulse.  
The receiver (slave) must pull the SDA line low during the acknowledge clock pulse  
so that SDA remains a stable low during the clock high period, indicating positive  
acknowledgement from the receiver. If the receiver pulls the SDA line high during the  
acknowledge clock pulse, the receiver sends a not-acknowledge condition indicating  
that it is unable to process the last byte of data. If the receiver is busy (for example,  
executing an internally-timed erase or write operation), it will not acknowledge any  
new data transfer. Figure 7–10 shows the acknowledge condition on the I2C bus.  
Figure 7–10. Acknowledge on the I2C Bus  
Data Output  
By Transmitter  
Not Acknowledge  
Data Output  
By Receiver  
SCL From  
Clock Pulse For  
Start Condition  
Device Addressing  
After the start condition, the master sends the address of the particular slave device it  
is requesting. The four most significant bits (MSBs) of the 8-bit slave address are  
usually fixed while the next three significant bits (A2, A1, A0) are device address bits  
that define which device the master is accessing. The last bit of the slave address  
specifies whether a read or write operation is to be performed. When this bit is set to  
1, a read operation is selected. When this bit is set to 0, a write operation is selected.  
The four MSBs of the slave address (A6, A5, A4, A3) are programmable and can be  
defined on page 3 of the ALTUFM MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. The default value  
for these four MSBs is 1010. The next three significant bits are defined using the three  
A2, A1, A0 input ports of the ALTUFM_I2C megafunction. You can connect these ports  
to input pins in the design file and connect them to switches on the board. The other  
option is to connect them to VCC and GND primitives in the design file, which  
conserves pins. Figure 7–11 shows the slave address bits.  
January 2011 Altera Corporation  
MAX V Device Handbook  