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AS4C128M16D3A-12BIN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AS4C128M16D3A-12BIN
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内容描述: [AS4C128M16D3A-12BIN - 96 ball FBGA PACKAGE]
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z Power-up and Initialization  
The Following sequence is required for POWER UP and Initialization  
1. Apply power (RESET# is recommended to be maintained below 0.2 x VDD, all other inputs may be undefined).  
RESET# needs to be maintained for minimum 200us with stable power. CKE is pulled “Low” anytime before  
RESET# being de-asserted (min. time 10ns). The power voltage ramp time between 300mV to VDDmin must be  
no greater than 200ms; and during the ramp, VDD>VDDQ and (VDD-VDDQ) <0.3 Volts.  
- VDD and VDDQ are driven from a single power converter output, AND  
- The voltage levels on all pins other than VDD, VDDQ, VSS, VSSQ must be less than or equal to VDDQ and  
VDD on one side and must be larger than or equal to VSSQ and VSS on the other side. In addition, VTT is  
limited to 0.95V max once power ramp is finished, AND  
- Vref tracks VDDQ/2.  
- Apply VDD without any slope reversal before or at the same time as VDDQ.  
- Apply VDDQ without any slope reversal before or at the same time as VTT & Vref.  
- The voltage levels on all pins other than VDD, VDDQ, VSS, VSSQ must be less than or equal to VDDQ and  
VDD on one side and must be larger than or equal to VSSQ and VSS on the other side.  
2. After RESET# is de-asserted, wait for another 500us until CKE become active. During this time, the DRAM will  
start internal state initialization; this will be done independently of external clocks.  
3. Clock (CK, CK#) need to be started and stabilized for at least 10ns or 5tCK (which is larger) before CKE goes  
active. Since CKE is a synchronous signal, the corresponding set up time to clock (tIS) must be meeting. Also a  
NOP or Deselect command must be registered (with tIS set up time to clock) before CKE goes active. Once the  
CKE registered “High” after Reset, CKE needs to be continuously registered “High” until the initialization  
sequence is finished, including expiration of tDLLK and tZQinit.  
4. The DDR3 DRAM will keep its on-die termination in high impedance state as long as RESET# is asserted.  
Further, the DRAM keeps its on-die termination in high impedance state after RESET# deassertion until CKE is  
registered HIGH. The ODT input signal may be in undefined state until tIS before CKE is registered HIGH. When  
CKE is registered HIGH, the ODT input signal may be statically held at either LOW or HIGH. If RTT_NOM is to  
be enabled in MR1, the ODT input signal must be statically held LOW. In all cases, the ODT input signal remains  
static until the power up initialization sequence is finished, including the expiration of tDLLK and tZQinit.  
5. After CKE being registered high, wait minimum of Reset CKE Exit time, tXPR, before issuing the first MRS  
command to load mode register.(tXPR=max (tXS, 5tCK))  
6. Issue MRS command to load MR2 with all application settings. (To issue MRS command for MR2, provide “Low”  
to BA0 and BA2, “High” to BA1)  
7. Issue MRS Command to load MR3 with all application settings. (To issue MRS command for MR3, provide “Low”  
to BA2, “High” to BA0 and BA1)  
8. Issue MRS Command to load MR1 with all application settings and DLL enabled. (To issue “DLL Enable”  
command, provide “Low” to A0, “High” to BA0 and “Low” to BA1 and BA2)  
9. Issue MRS Command to load MR0 with all application settings and “DLL reset”. (To issue DLL reset command  
provide “High” to A8 and “Low” to BA0-BA2)  
10. Issue ZQCL command to starting ZQ calibration.  
11. Wait for both tDLLK and tZQinit completed.  
12. The DDR3 SDRAM is now ready for normal operation.  
Rev. 1.0 May 2016  